that if a tax deduction has been allowed to a taxpayer in the purchase of such rights, the sales proceeds obtained in his subsequent disposal of such rights to be brought to tax are capped at the amount of the deduction as previously allowed. 為使 條文一致,條例草案第5(5)...
to the currenttax deductionregime on patent rights and rights to know-how under [...] 相聯者"的定義載於擬議新訂的第16EC(8)條,該條以該 條例第16E(4)條中相同詞句的定義為藍本,適用於有關專利權及 工業知識的權利的現行扣稅制度。
late new investment Italy enhances Notional Interest Deduction regime; introduces other measures to stimulate new investmentItaly enhances Notional Interest Deduction regime; introduces other measures to stimulate new investmentCalum Dewar
P. Chidambaram, withdrew it in theUnion budgetof 2005-06. Standard deduction allowed thesalaried classto take care of expenses that didn't come under the purview of the income