be atheist, agnostic or of no religion (“none”) (11%), while over eight in 10 identified as Christian (across Barna’s faith segments, this included 7% evangelicals, 33% non-evangelical born again and 41% nominal Christians) and less than one in 10 affiliated with other faiths (8%)...
Decline of the American Empire (Le declin de l'empire americain), Canada, 1985, Denis Arkan 25. ParaCrawl Corpus 请注意 , " 已拒绝 " (Declined) 页面上的链接统计数据会被我们的联盟引擎忽略和排除。 Please be advised that the statistics for the links on "Declined" pages is ignored and exclu...
In actual fact the First Amendment to the US Constitution forbids the establishment of any official religion in the USA. The Founding Fathers knew that religion and politics could be a toxic mix, and had sensibly chosen to keep the two well apart. ...
the author of The Unbelievers: The Evolution of Modern Atheism and God's Defenders: What They Believe and Why They Are Wrong, and the editor of Atheism: A Reader, The Agnostic Reader, H. L Mencken on Religion; Documents of American Prejudice; In Her Place: A Documentary History ofshow ...
The traditional family—a husband and wife, together with their biological children—provides young children, adolescents, and adults with well-documented social, economic and adaptive advantages. Yet, in the West, this form of the family is in decline.
persons, under the impulse of these two gifts, would fatally tend to ruin themselves. They assume that if the legislators left persons free to follow their own inclinations, they would arrive at atheism instead of religion, ignorance instead of knowledge, poverty instead of production and ...
They wouldn’t be exporting either their religion of war and conquest, or nickel and dime terrorism. If we quit buying oil, they will dry up and blow away in the wind, and cease to bother anybody outside their usual haunts. ( I fully understand that my own religion has exported war...
But any dramatic gain in associated gas seems to now be a thing of the past. A new Peak Oil book just came out a few days ago: Peak Oil: Apocalyptic Environmentalism and Libertarian Political Culture In recent years, the concept of “peak oil”—the moment when global oil production ...