美国的宗教与法律(上) Religion and the Law in America, An Encyclopedia of Personal Belief and Public Policy 热度: 相关推荐 TheDecliningRelevanceofCandidatePersonal AttributesinPresidentialElections MARTINP.WATTENBERG UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine ThisarticleexaminessixtyyearsofdatafromtheAmericanNationalElection...
And I stand with them also, at least in aims- but not in means or methodologies. Where I break ranks with my multiculturalist friends and civil rights colleagues is in their methods for obtaining equality of opportunity and outcome. Whereas the American pledge states “withliberty and justicefo...
M Kamitsuka - 《Religion & Gender》 被引量: 1发表: 2011年 Effect of COVID-19 on the Cultural Transition Towards the Use of Midwives Over Standard Doctors of Medicine [ID 2683504] In recent times, the use of midwives as obstetrical providers has become increasingly popular within the United...
Avrich, P. (1980) The Modern School Movement: anarchism and education in the United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press.Paul Avrich, The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States, Oakland: AK Press, 2005....
不管; 无论例:It takes in anybody regardless of religion, color, or creed. 这个组织接纳任何人,不管其宗教、肤色或信仰。;multiple ADJ You use multiple to describe things that consist of many parts, involve many people, or have many uses. 多部分的; 涉及多人的; 多功能的例:He died of ...
In this day and age the amount that religion is present in everyday life is very questionable. It seems that in the past few decades that religion has taken a back seat to science and other relevant things. All though religion has by no means been terminated‚ you could definitely say ...
M. (2002). Religion and civic engagement in Canada and the United States. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41(2), 239–254.CrossRef Van Beuningen, J., & Schmeets, H. (2012). Developing a social capital index for The Netherlands. Social Indicators Research,. doi:10....
More people now live in India than in the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh combined. India is on course to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030, but its growth rate is falling, figures show. China has 1.3bn people. ...
Francis LJ (1993) Parental influence and adolescent religiosity: a study of church attendance and attitude toward Christianity among adolescents 11 to 12 and 15 to 16 years old. Int J Psychol Religion 3:241–253 Freeman B (2012) New media and tobacco control. Tob Control 21:139–144 ...
ReligionBiblical studies Stimulating church growth through scripturally-based business strategies| Targeting churches plateaued or declining in attendance ASSEMBLIES OF GOD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY David ClarkMichael Clarensau VarnellRichardMost Assemblies of God (AG) churches in the United States experienced ...