For example, use const declare different types of variables: const num = 9; // 数字类型 const username = 'xkd'; // 字符串类型 const my = true; // 布尔类型 If we modify the values of these variables (constants), an error will be reported: ...
The variable will be of type Mutex<i32, which provides safe concurrent access. use lazy_static::lazy_static; use std::sync::Mutex; lazy_static! { static ref MUTABLE_GLOBAL_VARIABLE: Mutex<i32> = Mutex::new(42); } fn main() { let mut data = MUTABLE_GLOBAL_VARIABLE.lock().unwrap()...
Turns out it overrides the entire interface declarations, so TypeScript doesn't recognize members under the interface because we didn't redeclare the original type definitions. The solution I found was extremely simple. Just import the original module at the top of your declaration file. This way...
自定义编写Typescript的npm包 参考文章 tsconfig.json详细解析 第三方扩展库 以下代码github地址点这里 目录如下 先npm init,接着配置package.json 使用tsc来编译文件,编译配置在tsconfig.json里,命令行tsc回车就会生成dist下的文件 编写index.d.ts npm安装使用 由于我是离线安装,就先打了一个tar包,然后npm install...