Tellingly, Gong and Ribiere (2021) argue: The concept of DT has become so faddish that it is in danger of being stretched until it becomes virtually a synonym for talk of any kind in both academic and 13 68 R. Riedl et al. practitioner communities, leading to theoretical vacuity and ...
Such an evolution is possible, especially when decision-makers are aware of "what color" they function in and what organization they are striving for. This finally allows them to establish a green and pro-ecological strategy approach and strive for its execution. Our analyses intend to help ...
It can therefore be difficult for planners, engineers, decision-makers and other urban stakeholders to determine which approaches are most appropriate or most sustainable for a given context. Making the shift from linear approaches in sanitation systems to circularity may require the use of planning ...
Principal Goal: The principal goal of the quantum approach to decision making is to develop a unified theory that, from one side, could formalize the process of taking decisions by human decision makers in terms of quantum language and, from another side, would suggest a scheme of thinking qua...
to &ldquo authentic&rdquo national values ldquo pueblo trabajador&rdquo (the workers) ‐ synonym for &ldquo pueblo peronista&rdquo Imbelloni's master plan ‐ folklore and ethnology divisions ethnology's barbarians and folklore's survivals difficulties of &ldquo doing anthropology&rdquo in Latin ...
Different decision makers possess different strategic states. Being in the mind space (10), this state can be represented as the decomposition | s 〉 = ∑ n c n | e n 〉 . (12) Being a unique state, characterizing each decision maker like its fingerprints, it can be normalized ...
The standard assumption in economics is that decision makers (DMs) are endowed with perfect reflection. They are likely to embark on a process of conscious mental revision of their available alternatives in order to characterize each choice and evaluate their consequences. To sustain the perfect refl...
Different decision makers possess different strategic states. Being in the mind space (10), this state can be represented as the decomposition ∑ |s = cn|en . n (12) Being a unique state, characterizing each decision maker like its fingerprints, it can be normalized to one: s|s = 1 ...