Decentralization in the Russian Federation: Integrated Economic Policy versus Regional AutonomyPage 1. DECENTRALIZATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: INTEGRATEDECONOMIC POLICY VERSUS REGIONAL AUTONOMY Udo W. Kollatz* Russia standstoday at the threshold of a new era. The principal challenge...
Ethiopia, using aerial photographs, satellite images and field observation. Scattered bushland—the most important habitat for the wild animals, declined drastically. Areas under grassland, farmland or open land increased over the study period. Policy and park border ...
Partially different from these decentralization reforms, county-to-city upgrading policy primarily aims to encourages urbanization, especially the development of small and medium-sized cities. There has been a great controversy about whether small cities are able to promote self-sustained economic ...
Decentralized governance also encourages reforms and policy experiments due to the narrow scope of experiment and the possibility to contain the adverse effect if any (Qian, Roland and Xu, 2006). We thus expect decentralization to be associated with higher profitability and efficiency. To examine ...
Since the WHO 2000 report, systems’ thinking has re-emerged as the cornerstone for improved health outcomes, and the consequent paradigm shift in policy making from disease-specific initiatives to strengthening of health system. One of the key factors behind this shift was the realization among ...
2000;BlanchardandSchleifer,2001).Politicalcentralizationaffectspolicydecentralizationbybetteraligningtheincentivesofpoliticiansatlowerlevelswithnationalinterests;thus,narrowlocalinterestsarelesslikelytodistortpolicymaking.Inthispaper,weprovideafirstempiricalanalysisoftheeffectofpoliticalcentralizationonenvironmentalpolicy ...
World bank policy research working paper no. 2809 Greene WH (1993) Econometric Analysis. Macmillan, New York Hirshleifer J (1983) From weakest-link to best-shot: the voluntary provision of public goods. Publ Choice 41:371–386 CrossRef Hoxby M (1999) The productivity of schools and ...
Since the decentralization policy is not staggered, we cannot control for year fixed effects when looking at the impact of decentralization. However, we can include λp × t to control for provincial specific trends. Table 2 presents the correlation between decentraliza- tion and death rates. ...
From a policy implication, we suggest to give more political and financial autonomy to the local government in order to provide better quality of public goods and services to the citizens.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. ...
‘Decentralization in Morocco? If that is your topic the answer is easy, we don’t have any decentralization in Morocco.’1 Many of the interviews I conducted during my fieldwork in Luant2 pointed in this or a similar direction. Yet, decentralization...