the first decathlon concept store was formally opened in shanghai pudong district on november 5, 2003.as the world's no.1 sporting goods retailer, decathlon has strong capabilities in r&d and innovation. its unique business model in china and even the world has for the first time ...
DECATHLON(绿地正大乐城店)优惠活动附近商户SUNRISE DUTY FREE(Shanghai Pudong International Airport T2) 日上免税行(上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼店) 立减券 Maison Margiela (DFS Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport) 马吉拉(DFS迪斐世上海虹桥机场店) 返现券 ...
Nov 5, 2003 Decathlon opens its first Chinese store in Pudong, Shanghai. 2009 Number of Decathlon staff in China reaches 1500. Dec.2010 Number of Decathlon stores in China reaches 32. Decathlon in China Stores Distribution: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Qingdao, Nanjing, Suzhou, Changchun, Chen...
At the flower shop in Pudong, Shanghai, the Decathlon store has 4000 square meters of experience space. The spacious shelves on the first floor provide customers with self-help shopping, and there is some noise on the two floor, because there are free sports venues and equipment such as tab...
SUNRISE DUTY FREE(Shanghai Pudong International Airport T2) 日上免税行(上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼店) 立减券 China Duty Free (Hangzhou) cdf中免杭州机场免税店 立减券 手机扫描二维码,领取优惠 中国 慈溪 慈溪汽贸大道399号麦德龙旁 营业时间 联系电话 0574-63507006 商户简介 ...
101/F, Shanghai Tower, 126 Dongtai Lu, near Lujiazui Huan Lu 上海中心101层, 东泰路126号, 近陆家嘴环路 3886 8888 The “world’s highest hotel”, the J Hotel occupies floors 84-98, 101, 103-105, 120 (out of 128) in the world’s second tallest building, the Shanghai Tower. Position...
DECATHLON(莫干山店)优惠活动附近商户 China Duty Free (Hangzhou) cdf中免杭州机场免税店 立减券 Piaget伯爵(Hangzhou Mix City Boutique) Piaget伯爵(杭州万象城专卖店) 杭州其他分店China Duty Free (Hangzhou) cdf中免杭州机场免税店 立减券 SUNRISE DUTY FREE(Shanghai Pudong International Airport T2) 日上...