It also has local production hubs in its booming markets, such as China and India, which minimize transportation costs. Another of the private French company’s efforts to improve access has been building its e-commerce presence. While Decathlon has small and big stores, it has also invested i...
they are constantly adjusting the development mode according to China's actual situation.This year, Decathlon took the lead in implementing the Decathlon Shopping Center Project (Decathlon sMall) in Yintai shopping mall in Hefei, and also duplicated in cities such as Shanghai, Harbin,...
Online, intelligent applications and experience upgrading have become the new trend of new retail. Mobile payment, no checkout and shopping experience with new technologies have become the focus of development.At present, Decathlon can achieve self service checkout in RFID based on 44 stores in Ch...
其商品包括运动服饰、运动装备、运动器材等,集运动产品设计、研发、生产、品牌、物流及零售于一体。今天推荐的这款DECATHLON 迪卡侬 QUECHUA CROSSROCK 儿童休闲运动鞋 8493356,采用聚酯纤维和聚氨酯材质制成,具有抽绳设计,适合大年龄段宝宝穿着。不仅方便小朋友穿脱,也不会被鞋带绊倒。粉色34码的设计,适合男女童通用。
In the first half of 2014, Decathlon's main actions in China were: In January, Decathlon opened in Henan's first shopping mall, Zhengzhou Jing Guang road shopping mall; the first flagship store in Western Decathlon, Xi'an Xin Jia Miao shop opened; the three line Zhongshan Decathlon opened ...