Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Yan Wang Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Yingda Xia NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA, USA Daguang Xu School of Computing/Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Queen’s Uni...
Naming Strategy Research Design Work Insights News LOCATIONS Shanghai Paris New York Singapore Malaysia CN FR About ServiceS Branding Innovation Naming Strategy Research Design Work Insights News LOCATIONS Shanghai Paris New York Singapore Malaysia CONTACT EN CN FRHome...
ABB shifted the global base of its robotics business from Detroit to Shanghai. Dell created regionwide functional centers in Singapore. Underpinning these moves are some important principles. For example, we’ve found that multinationals can boost their effectivene...
Decathlon said it was not only the two or three tier cities, but also the four or even five line cities such as Jiangyin, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuji and Huaian have already opened Decathlon shopping centres.The price of Decathlon products is the same in Shanghai and Huaian, so customers in s...
in Western Decathlon, Xi'an Xin Jia Miao shop opened; the three line Zhongshan Decathlon opened its own shop; Shenzhen mealong shopping malls and Long Ping shopping centres opened one after another. Shenzhen has become one of the largest shopping malls in Shanghai after Beijing and Shanghai. ...
EastChinaElectricPowerDesignInstitute(ECEPDI),Shanghai200063,PRChina articleinfo Articlehistory: Received25February2014 Accepted11March2015 Availableonline Keywords: Energyperformance Evaluation Marketable Net-zero-energyhouse Solarstrategies SolarDecathlonChina ...
DECATHLON/迪卡侬儿童运动保暖裤是一款专为儿童设计的运动保暖裤,采用优质面料,打造柔软舒适的穿着感受,适合孩子们在寒冷的天气中畅快运动。 这款儿童运动保暖裤的特色在于它的防风防寒保暖设计。贴身穿着可以有效地防止寒风侵入,保护孩子们的温暖。此外,松紧带内部拉绒设计,更加柔软舒适,让孩子们在寒冷的冬天里感受到...