可以通过配置launch.json参数来解决 在工程目录下${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/launch.json中添加或者修改配置 比如使用真机的可以添加一下参数 { "name": "Debug iOS Device", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/launchReactNative.js", "type": "reactnative", "request": "launch", "platform": "ios",...
然后将下面的块添加到您的launch.json文件中,并将其放在.vscode应用程序根目录下的文件夹中。 {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"Chrome","type":"chrome","request":"launch","url":"http://localhost:3000","webRoot":"${workspaceFolder}/src","sourceMapPathOverrides":{"webpack:///s...
1. 安装 VScode 插件 Debugger for Chrome 2. 配置 webpack webpack.config.js 添加 source map + devtool: 'eval-cheap-module-source-map', // 或者 'eval-source-map' 3. 配置 .vscode/launch.json 按F5 选择 chrome,会生成 .vscode/launch.json 修改如下 {// Use IntelliSense to learn about poss...
In my opinion, debugging brings the most fun when used with the tool you wrote your code in the first place. For me this is currentlyVSCode. VSCode comes with a hugeextension eco-system, one of these happens to bespecifically for react-nativeand is even created by Microsoft itself, probabl...
Create your React app using create-react-app Use the following config for your launch.json file to configure the VS Code debugger and put it inside .vscode in your root folder. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch",...
npx create-react-app admin-console was run inside ${workspaceFolder}/apps creating the folder ${workspaceFolder}/apps/admin-console. I have tried so many different configurations of the launch.json and I can't get the app to break in vscode. The app is started with npm run start and the...
1 . 选择要调试的React版本对应分支,然后点击下载压缩包。 版本列表(持续更新): debug-react-16.13.1 debug-react-16.6.0 2 . 将压缩包解压后,用vscode打开该文件夹。vscode需安装Debugger for Chrome插件,用于在vscode对源码添加断点 3 . 安装依赖后,开启服务 npm install npm start 4 . 在源码中添加断点...
description 属性十分不言自明。在调用代码片段时,我们只能看到它在 VS CodeIntelliSense 中运行。 下面是 React 代码片段的示例: 还有前文提及的 GitHub 仓库,在这里可以找到本文所涵盖的所有内容: https://github.com/Squiff88/vscodeSetup 好好消化完本文内容,你就能成为一个真正的 VS Code 专家了!
// .vscode/launch.json { ... "compounds": [ ... { "name": "Debug in Test Tool", "configurations": [ "Attach to Local Service" ], "preLaunchTask": "Start Teams App (Test Tool)", "presentation": { "group": "1-local", "order": 1 }, "stopAll": true }, ] } Wechseln...
由于这个文件的后缀名不是 xml, 因此 vscode 无法识别它为 xml,为此我们需要配置 vscode 的文件类型映射: //.vscode/settings.json{"files.associations":{//将所有jsx代码映射为javascript代码而不是javascriptreact"**/JSX/**/*.jsx":"javascript",//.debug文件映射为xml".debug":"xml",//将scriptinglistener...