VScode debug React config 1. 安装 VScode 插件 Debugger for Chrome 2. 配置 webpack webpack.config.js 添加 source map + devtool: 'eval-cheap-module-source-map', // 或者 'eval-source-map' 3. 配置 .vscode/launch.json 按F5 选择 chrome,会生成 .vscode/launch.json 修改如下 {// Use Intelli...
然后将下面的块添加到您的launch.json文件中,并将其放在.vscode应用程序根目录下的文件夹中。 {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"Chrome","type":"chrome","request":"launch","url":"http://localhost:3000","webRoot":"${workspaceFolder}/src","sourceMapPathOverrides":{"webpack:///s...
In my opinion, debugging brings the most fun when used with the tool you wrote your code in the first place. For me this is currentlyVSCode. VSCode comes with a hugeextension eco-system, one of these happens to bespecifically for react-nativeand is even created by Microsoft itself, probabl...
请设置并更新 config/index.js 内的 devtool 属性: devtool: 'source-map',
Create your React app using create-react-app Use the following config for your launch.json file to configure the VS Code debugger and put it inside .vscode in your root folder. { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch",...
NodeJS Debug & VSCode Debugger 一、Debugging 1、Debug调试器 调试器配置管理; 调试器启动、停止、步进操作; 源代码、函数、条件、断点和日志点; 堆栈跟踪,多线程和多进程支持; 在视图和hover中浏览复杂的数据结构; 变量值显示在hover和源代码中; watch表达式管理 ...
debug-react-16.6.0 2 . 将压缩包解压后,用vscode打开该文件夹。vscode需安装Debugger for Chrome插件,用于在vscode对源码添加断点 3 . 安装依赖后,开启服务 npm install npm start 4 . 在源码中添加断点,按F5启动调试即可 目录结构 目录结构为: /react.development/ /react-dom.development/ /babel.js /...
vscode需安装Debugger for Chrome插件,用于在vscode对源码添加断点 3 . 安装依赖后,开启服务 npm install npm start 4 . 在源码中添加断点,按F5启动调试即可 目录结构 目录结构为: /react.development/ /react-dom.development/ /babel.js /dependency-main.html /dependency-react.html /dependency-react-dom...
由于这个文件的后缀名不是 xml, 因此 vscode 无法识别它为 xml,为此我们需要配置 vscode 的文件类型映射: //.vscode/settings.json{"files.associations":{//将所有jsx代码映射为javascript代码而不是javascriptreact"**/JSX/**/*.jsx":"javascript",//.debug文件映射为xml".debug":"xml",//将scriptinglistener...
首先检查文档->https://reactjs.org/docs/create-a-new-react-app.html 我建议你仔细检查一下。 重新安装nodejs和npm相关问题(使用npm安装软件包时无法读取未定义的属性'resolve') 使用npx来创建项目,而不安装像这样的npx create-react-app my-app的create-react-app。因为通常安装后您不需要它。如果您出于某种...