[要点解析] 异步拨号连接技术中封装协议通常采用PPP。PPP提供了两种可选的身份认证方法:口令认证协议(PAP,Password Authentication Protocol)和挑战握手认证协议(CHAP,Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)。图8-8给出的系统输出信息表明认证客户端发送的“挑战”回应数据包没有通过认证服务器的认证。对于PAP、CHAP身...
3. PAP = Password Authentication Protocol 4. NCP = Protocolo de control de red Este diagrama muestra la transición del PPP a las diversas fases: Paquetes de Negociación PPP: Descripción Esta tabla incluye una descripción de los paquetes de negociación PPP que se utilizan en la negociació...
papuser—PAP/PPP— user dial in on line 2; l'indirizzo viene assegnato dalpool di indirizzi ip asincrono predefinito peer e dal pool locale ip async router papaddr—PAP/PPP—l'utente digita sulla linea 2; l'indirizzo è assegnato dal server pa...
ppp-async-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-ppp-deflate-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-ppp-generic-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-ppp-mppe-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-ppp-synctty-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-pppoe-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-pppox-3.5.7-r0@overo kernel-module-pvrusb...
{inside | outside} 使用ppp/pap作认证 ppp authentication pap callin 指定接口属于拨号组1 dialer-group 1 定义拨号组1允许所有IP协议 dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit 设定拨号,号码为2633 dialer string 2633 设定登录263的用户名和口令 ppp pap sent-username 263 password 263 设定默认路由 ip route 0.0....
3. PAP =密码身份验证协议 4. NCP =网络控制协议 下图显示了 PPP 阶段转换过程: PPP 协商数据包:说明 下表对 LCP 和 NCP 协商中所用 PPP 协商数据包进行说明: 数据包代码描述 CONFREQConfigure-Request为打开与对等体的连接,设备将传送此消息,同时传送发送者希望对等体支持的配置选项和值。所有选项和值同时进...
Cisco IOS XR Interface and Hardware Component Debug Command Reference DHR-73 debug ppp all PPP Debug Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software debug ppp all To enable debugging of ppp, use the debug ppp command in EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command. debug ppp all...
Router# clear gprs gtp pdp-context all 3d23h: GPRS:GTP-PPP: pdp_entry 0x62F442A4, recv ppp data pak 3d23h: GPRS:GTP-PPP Vi2: proc_udp_input pak's linktype = 30 3d23h: GPRS:GTP-PPP: pdp_entry 0x62F442A4, recv ppp data pak 3d23h: GPRS:GTP-PPP Vi2: proc_udp_input pak...
The following example displays events related to PPP regeneration processing for a create PDP context requested received by the GGSN: Router# debug gprs gtp-director events *Mar 1 00:02:42.787: GPRS:1111110000000000:Authen: PAP username: user@pdn.com *Mar 1 00:02:42.787: GPRS:1111110000000000:...