R1(config-if)#ppp authentication chapchap认证 R2(config)#username R1 password 0 123 R2(config)#interface s1/0 R2(config-if)#encapsulation ppp R2#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on验证chap过程 7、show run 查看验证 8、测试结果pc1 ping通pc2©...
--- The PAP authentication (by the peer) begins.*Mar 6 21:33:26.531: BR0:1PAP: O AUTH-REQid 20 Len 18 from "PAPUSER"! --- The client sends out a PAP AUTH- 成功的单向 PAP 验证的被呼叫方(服务器) 调试 maui-nas-06#show debugPPP: PPP authentication debugging is on PPP protocol ...
bobslake-nas-01#debug ppp errorPPP protocol errors debugging is on bobslake-nas-01#debug modemModem control/process activation debugging is on bobslake-nas-01#show debugGeneral OS: Modem control/process activation debugging is on PPP: PPP authentication debugging is on PPP protocol errors debuggin...
R_B(config-if)#ppp authentication pap R_B(config-if)#ip address R_B(config-if)#no shutdown 在路由器R_A上: R_A#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on Serial2/0 Using hostname from interface PAP ...
R_B(config-if)#ppp authentication pap R_B(config-if)#ip address R_B(config-if)#no shutdown 3、验证: 在路由器R_A上: R_A#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on Serial2/0 Using hostname from interface PAP ...
Serial0/0/0 is down, line protocol is down //物理层故障,通常是连线问题 实验调试 使用“debug ppp authentication”命令可以查看 ppp 认证过程。 R1#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on //以上打开 ppp 认证调试 R1(config)#int s0/0/0 ...
R_B(config-if)#ppp authentication pap R_B(config-if)#ip address R_B(config-if)#no shutdown 在路由器R_A上: R_A#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on Serial2/0 Using hostname from interface PAP ...
R_B(config-if)#ppp authentication pap R_B(config-if)#ip address R_B(config-if)#no shutdown 在路由器R_A上:R_A#debug ppp authentication PPP authentication debugging is on Serial2/0 Using hostname from interface PAP Serial2/0 Using password from...
(3)PAP单向认证调试 //在RT1上打开debug ppp authentication,将RT3的serial0/0打开,查看调试信息 RT1#debug ppp authentication // PPP认证调试 PPP authentication debugging is on RT3#debug ppp authentication // PPP认证调试 PPP authentication debugging is on RT3#configure terminal ...