To downgrade a package to a specific version, you'll need to append=versionafter the package name in the installation command, withversionbeing the version to which you want to downgrade the package: sudo apt install <package>=<version> Example 1. Let's look at a simple example. I current...
$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") Replace this part with the codename of the corresponding Debian release, such as bookworm. Install the Docker packages. Latest Specific version To install the latest version, run: $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
apt-get install package(软件包的名字) ls –lh:观察linuxsir用户创建目录的权限归属和文件大小 linux查看系统版本和系统位数:uname -a x86_64则说明你是64位内核, 跑的是64位的系统. i386, i686说明你是32位的内核, 跑的是32位的系统 cat /proc/version cat /etc/issue lsb_release -a(适合所有的linux...
Step 1.2: Install Apache Apache is a web server software that processes requests and transmits data over anHTTP. Run the following command toinstall Apache: sudo apt install apache2 -y Wait for the process to complete. Confirm that the Apache service is running: ...
Installing Ubuntu package using apt module You can also combine updating the cache and installing a package. - name: install wget apt: name: - wget state: present update_cache: true To install a specific version the name syntax is as follows:{{ package_name }}-{{ package_version }} ...
The above configuration will apply to all packages in your Debian installation. But if you want to install specific packages from the testing while maintaining the stable repo, then you need to tell the apt package manager about the priority. So, the stable version can be of a higher priority...
# Install the latest version of PostgreSQL. # If you want a specific version, use'postgresql-12'or similar instead of'postgresql': sudo apt-get-y install postgresql 如果想安装postgresql 12版本 apt-getinstall postgresql-12 安装PostgreSQL服务器和contrib软件包,该软件包为PostgreSQL数据库提供附加功能:...
apt信息更新 root@iZ2zee2m456rb6bde98jpkZ:~# apt update redis信息 root@iZ2zee2m456rb6bde98jpkZ:~# apt info redis-server Package: redis-server Version: 5:6.0.16-1+deb11u2 Priority: optional Section: database Source: redis Maintainer: Chris Lamb <> Installed-Size: 196 kB...
You can list all ufw rules with a specific number, for example to easily delete them. ufw status numbered ufw delete <number> 8.2 Fail2ban 8.2.1 Installation apt install fail2ban To avoid custom rules to be erased by a new update, create a copy of the configuration file. cp /etc/fail...
Install a specific version by adding an equal sign after the package, followed by the version number you’d like to install. sudo apt install [package]=[version] Reinstall a package and any dependencies by running the following command. This is useful if an installation for a package becomes...