echo 'deb squeeze main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/onlyoffice.list 注:尽管 APT 包是针对 Debian 发行版设计的,但是其支持基于 Debian 派生的发行版(例如 Ubuntu),所有类似的发行版都可以使用相似的源码库 升级包管理器的缓存 sudo apt-get updat...
这样便于通过命令X先下载安装包和所需的依赖,在apt-get缓存路径Y取出文件到无法联网的计算机A进行安装。 如待安装软件包是minicom; 命令X:sudo apt-get install--download-only minicom 路径Y:/var/cache/apt/archives/ 但如找到联网计算机B是操作系统只能是Windows,这样应是无法执行apt-get进行下载安装。另外用其他...
apt-get -y install git git clone --depth=1 --branch=main cd build ./compile.shInteractive graphical interface. Prepares the workspace by installing the necessary dependencies and sources. It guides the entire process and creates a kernel package or a ready-to... MySQL APT Respository 点击Download,跳转到下载页面: MySQL-Download 右键点击No thanks,just start my download复制链接 打开debian的shell,进入你的工作目录 cd ~ 1. 使用wget指令下载deb文件(刚刚复制的链接) wget
通过apt-get download <pkg>命令可以直接下载二进制软件包,软件包的名称获取方式可以参考上一节中介绍的查询软件包方法。 tencent@ubuntu:~/iproute$ ls-l total0tencent@ubuntu:~/iproute$ tencent@ubuntu:~/iproute$ tencent@ubuntu:~/iproute$ apt-get download iproute2Get:1
$sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin Verify that the installation is successful by running thehello-worldimage: $sudo docker run hello-world This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs...
第二步、配置apt-mirror sudo vim /etc/apt/mirror.list ### config ### set base_path /var/spool/apt-mirror# set mirror_path $base_path/mirror# set skel_path $base_path/skel# set var_path $base_path/var# set cleanscript $var_path/ set defaultarch <running host architecture>...
root@debian:~# apt install tightvnc-java 被连接的服务器需要安装tightvncserver,如果需要通过浏览器java访问需要安装tightvnc-java 二、启动VNC服务 使用vncserver命令启动VNC服务,命令格式为“vncserver :桌面号”,其中“桌面号”用“数字”的方式表示,每个用户连接需要占用1个桌面 ...
sudo apt remove --purge linux-headers-6.13.0-061300 linux-image-unsigned-6.13.0-061300-generic linux-modules-6.13.0-061300-generic Then, update GRUB again. sudo update-grub Finally, reboot your system. sudo reboot Summary In this article, we’ve shown how to easily upgrade the Linux kernel...
apt-get -y install git git clone --depth=1 --branch=main ./ Interactive graphical interface. Prepares the workspace by installing the necessary dependencies and sources. It guides the entire process and creates a kernel package or a ready-to-...