我们《死亡搁浅》Reddit灵魂拷问正在如火如荼地进行,所以我们决定更进一步,邀请3位小岛工作室的成员来参加我们第三次灵魂拷问。 这一次,让我们欢迎小岛工作室的首席技术官 – 酒本海旗男,技术美工主管 – 佐佐木英树,总关卡设计师 – 吉池博明。 首先,非常感谢我们了不起的社区再次参与进来,也非常感谢小岛工作室的...
我們在上個星期和 KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS 的作曲家 – 成音指導 Ludvig Forssell 一起舉辦了 Reddit 社群 AMA(問我任何事)活動。 如同我們之前說過的,DEATH STRANDING 最重視的就是聯繫,我們想建立人與人之間的連結,並跨越鴻溝。說到底,這也是「問我任何事」活動的精神,藉由這個機會讓玩家社群與KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS更加...
Well, like a lot of things around the game, we have a somewhat vague answer- but it seems that you should strap in for a long one. In a video interview with the Russian site DTF, Hideo Kojima was asked about how long it would take to finish the game. He didn’t give a lot of ...
Death Stranding is the first project Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions have worked on since parting ways with Konami in 2015, and Hideo Kojima’s first non-Metal Gear game in many years.Death Stranding features starring roles from a number of well-known actors, including Norman Reedus, Mads ...
Gaming luminary Hideo Kojima was brought in to WWDC 2023 to confirm "Death Stranding: Director's Cut:" will be coming to the Mac in the future.
Perhaps more important than anything else,Death Stranding’s boss fights are long. Even if players know what they’re doing, they still have to endure an endurance match of sorts. Boss fights aren’t just about overcoming a challenge, they’re about surviving and making progress. Cliff’s no...
我們舉辦的最後一場DEATH STRANDING AMA(問我任何事)活動,我們邀請到非常特別的嘉賓:新川洋司,KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS的美術總監。新川這位重量級人物,應該不用我們多介紹,而且一如預期,社群成員提出的各式各樣問題如雪片般飛來。 快來看看以下幾個最棒的問題,並前往Reddit瞭解問與答活動的完整內容吧。精彩可期!
在我们最后一次《死亡搁浅》Reddit灵魂拷问环节,我们迎来了重量级特邀嘉宾——新川洋司,小岛工作室的艺术总监。新川洋司就不需要介绍了,并且不出所料,我们被大家的问题淹没了。 下面来看看我们选择的一些最佳问题,完整问答环节请前往Reddit上进行查看,你不会失望的!
10月30日,我们在粉丝运营的《死亡搁浅》 Reddit 话题版面上请来了 Tommie Earl Jenkins(也就是 Die-Hardman ),来参加我们最新的社区灵魂拷问环节!之前收到大家对灵魂拷问的反馈是非常积极的,因此我们决定为热情的粉丝们再举办一次类似活动。Tommie的加入令此次活动蓬荜生辉,他从繁忙的日程中抽出了宝贵的时间来与我们...