Such a situation is called ER stress and is dealt with by the cell through the activation of an adaptive mechanism named the Unfolded Protein Response [1] which primarily aims at restoring ER homeostasis. If this succeeds, then the UPR is turned off and normal cellular functions are resumed....
Cell death under physiological conditions is mainly carried out by apoptosis which is a non-inflammatory or silent process. Apoptosis is characterized by a series of morphological changes. Apoptotic cells can be further coordinated to disintegrate into smaller fragments, the so-called apoptotic bodies ...
Ferroptosis is an iron-dependent regulated cell death marked by excessive oxidative phospholipids (PLs). The polyunsaturated fatty acids-containing phospholipids (PUFA-PLs) are highly susceptible to lipid peroxidation under oxidative stress. Numerous pul
Andthistrulyisthebreakthrough 这种医疗手段的全球目的地 thatwilllaunchusasaglobaldestination 这无疑是一种重大突破 forthiskindofmedicine. 女士们先生们 Ladiesandgentlemen, 请允许我展示再生医学的未来 Ipresenttoyouthefutureofregenerativemedicine. 几周内它就会长出人体组织 Withinweeks,itwillgrowtissue, 才成为一...
我的研究方向是通过开♥发♥生物吅成气管 Thefocusofmyresearchistrachealtransplants 在干细胞的参与下 withthehelpofstemcells 进行气管移植 bydevelopingbiosynthetictracheas. 你等于是让身体相信 Soyou'rebasicallytrickingthebody 植入物已经是自身的一部分了 intothinkingtheimplant'salreadyapartofyou. 你有兴趣...
of ferrous iron) can react with oxygen and produce ROS, such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide, which are related to lipid peroxidation and tissue damage induced through the Fenton reaction. Fe3+is transferred into cells through the membrane protein TFR1 [25,26]. Ferritin is an iron...
A protein known as Rubicon, which inhibits the routine degradation of cell components in a process called autophagy, has been identified as a possible target for drugs to prevent the death of heart muscle cells. Autophagy is required for healthy cell maintenance and its failure has been linked ...
How King Tut died is a matter of debate among scholars. Egyptologists have put forward numerous hypotheses over the years. In the JAMA article, a research team suggested that a combination of malaria and necrosis (tissue death) from a broken bone in his left foot may have caused his death...
Autophagy and Autophagic Cell Death in the Heart To explain how autophagy can kill cells under some conditions, we will first describe the physiological function of autophagy and its molecular machinery. Autophagy is an essential catabolic process that is highly conserved in eukaryotes. The autophagy ...
If something happens to me and I have a heart that could help save someone's life, then what good does it do to bury that heart in the ground? That doesn't make any sense at all."It was tough to argue the point, so Charlotte moved on."I just kind of gave up," she says, "...