The poem’s opening line establishes rhythmic beat of successive iambs (short-long): “Sweetday, socool, socalm, sobright.” This pattern is more or less followed in the first three lines of the first three quatrains, but each fourth line slams on the brakes with its sober message of m...
I don’t know whether this poem is a form, but it makes some sort of sense! My mom could tell stories ‘til the cows not only came home, but went back out to pasture. I think she was a undiagnosed manic depressive like me and like her mom, Blanche, and she had that gift of ...
Just as a restful night of sleep brings pleasure, so should death. The speaker implies that sleep is simply a small glimpse of death. Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will bring something like a pleasurable sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I do not die. Hear it: A beautiful musical version of this poem is available as a free download from Irish folksinger Shaz Oye. Posted in Grief and Mother-Loss, Latest Posts | 3 Responses » Tags: Death, Faith, Grief, Mother,...
while all the rest of us on earth were born into a lower position and such a thing is all down to who you are and where you come from and the luck of the draw and there is nothing you can do about it but take it back off them, because a fish cannot become a bird but there ...
Songs, for me, can open flood gates like nothing else can!! It’s a moment in time where I step aside from reality and then —boom!— right back in! Those are the hard parts. I just never know which “hard” part is around the corner. As I sit here listing the hard parts, ...
Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote in his aptly titled poemNo Worst, There Is None(1885),‘O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall, frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed’, he also did not exaggerate the depth of depression virtually all humans faced if they allowed their minds to think ...
Everything and nothing:Hamlet, Part 3 Maybe we expect too much. Or not enough. January 4 Words, words, words.(2.2.192) It was my father’s birthday. From the basement, where the guest suite is, I heard him come home from work. He sounded tired. It sounded like a long day. I ...
Side B, ‘Cor Cordium’, is a collaboration with the multi-disciplinary Italian artist AimA, based on a fragment of Wordsworth’s poem ‘The Thorne’. AimA’s sections being recorded at her studio in Italy in 2014 with contributions from Evor Ameisie. ...
Well, their expressions lack nothing, but if love is more than the saying of it, what substantive ingredients can be found in love that the words do not contain. In this analysis, I will be guided by the thought of three people whose thinking I admire: my father, Harry G. Frankfurt, ...