Just as a restful night of sleep brings pleasure, so should death. The speaker implies that sleep is simply a small glimpse of death. Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will bring something like a pleasurable sleep.
Everyone in the village is superstitious about death and believes that Gauge is a Voyant — witch. Gauge wants nothing to do with the Wolf, but the Wolf visits the boy regularly. The Wolf has an offer. She can save him the pain of growing up. Now that he’s all alone in the world,...
And I dashed in here, seeing you green as a bush, like a branch, very still, Louis, with your eyes fixed. ‘Is he dead?’ I thought, and kissed you, with my heart jumping under my pink frock like the leaves, which go on moving though there is nothing to move them. ...
The speaker has no power to interfere with the scene he is observing. He is in ametaphoricalboat “anchor’d” in the “Dead waters” of that same sea. It is “passionless” and quiet. There is nothing that can move the waters, no life can “stir” them. Lines 9-13 Silence hung ...
t know what crime they have committed due to their mental blindness. She goes on to talk in the delirium of the loss. At last, she says, “Heaven’s King/ Keeps register of everything,/ And nothing may we use in vain.” In this way, the girl in the poem shows her true Christian...