1. [c] 死;死亡the fact of sb dying or being killed 2. [u] 生命的终止;死亡状态the end of life; the state of being dead 3. [u] ~ of sth 永久的灭亡;毁灭;破灭the permanent end or destruction of sth 4. [u] 死神the power that destroys life, imagined as human in form...
The best of National Geographic delivered to your inbox Sign up for more inspiring photos, stories, and special offers from National Geographic.Sign Up Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Interest-Based Ads Our Sites Nat Geo Home Attend a Live Event Book a Trip Buy Maps Inspire Your...
Zombie Deathrace Feeding Frenzy is a Windows desktop video game with Oculus Rift support. The frantic arcade style action can be played alone against computer AI enemies where you can progress through levels, or online against other players. You are Hi
While many studies characterize drug effects using just one or two methodological approaches, there is always a risk to form incorrect conclusions. It is important to keep in mind that the action of the drug includes its ability to induce cell death, inhibit metabolism, and/or block ...
In vitro silencing of NOX4 in cells showed an enhanced propensity to apoptosis, with reduced expression of NRF2, glutathione content and Bcl-2 expression, similar to cells derived from NOX4 KO mice. Overexpression of a constitutively active form of NRF2 (caNRF2) in NOX4 depleted cells rescued...
"As we've seen some hope that the coronavirus crisis may be peaking and unwavering Fed support, investor sentiment has turned," said Lindsey Bell, chief investment strategist at Ally Invest, in a note. "This latest move up has been a welcome form of market volatility. But the world is mo...
Confucian concept of ren or humanity or benevolence.Ren is rich in content,and varied in form. The core of the concept is"The benevolent love of others"or universal love,(4) whichis the basic virtue of a gentleman of noble character.Confucius believes that being benev...
(MG) degradation starts at -4 h RPF with contraction of gastric caeca (GC) and remodeling of fat body (FB) initiates in response to this pulse. Degradation of the dorsal external oblique muscles (DEOM) occurs at 8–12 h RPF. At 12 h RPF, the larval midgut condenses to form the...
Hyperglycemia activates PLC/PLD to form DAG, and, consequently, this activates PKC. PKC is involved with the activation and the synthesis of MAPK, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), with NO being released via an activation of iNOS. PKC also...
Replacing the exogenous ligands with 5′-GMP to form NCPs could also present MRI capability that outperforms Magnevist in vitro and in vivo (Fig. 4). In addition, body weight recording, serum biochemical analysis, and histological analysis confirmed that Gd-NCPs have biological safety (Figs. ...