这种时候,你很有可能就是收到了对方的“被动攻击”(passive-aggressive behavior)。这是一种“敌意”的不直接的表达,有时通过拖延对你的回应,有时通过顽固不化,有时通过反复地、故意地在本应由ta负责的事情上犯错、失败。我们今天要讨论的就是,当被动型攻击的人处于一段亲密关系中,以及作为伴侣的你应该如何应对...
Dealing with Passive-Aggressive Team MembersBoone, DebbieVeterinary Team Brief
In the lead-up to the 31st AU Summit in Nouakchott in July 2018, an unexpected honour came my way. The then AU Commission President, Faki Mahamat, approached me with a proposition that surprised me: the opportunity to guide AU's efforts in EU-ACP agreements post-2020. These discussions ...
Of course your brother is resisting change, because his situation is working for him at the moment. While it's working for him, there's no motivation for him to change. The phrase that he'll do so when "he's ready" is passive-aggressive resistance: What is he doing to get ready? W...
http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/are rather funny. They won't work. You need to escalate much further. If you do that, you will break rules yourself, probably rules that are more important than "use only one space". There is only one exit: take a picture, and print it. Repeat ...
an adventurous young entrepreneur with a high-flying high-tech company. He had an aggressive portfolio, invested entirely in high-tech companies that yielded no annual cash flow from interest or dividends. The client had made a lot of money on the sale of his technology business two years befo...
Improve self-esteem and maintain boundaries through strategies and techniques applicable to relationships with a difficult person—whether passive-aggressive, controlling, abusive, manipulative, or with a borderline or narcissistic personality disorder.
Áine Cain
While the ACP grouping covered many African States, it might not be the most suitable conduit for fostering a structural partnership with Europe. Subsequent developments proved me right.Lopes, CarlosUniversity of Cape TownPalgrave Macmillan, Cham...
Which can lead to passive-aggressive behavior, verbal hostility or, worse yet, violence, Luke adds."Primitive man dealt with adrenaline surges by going out and fighting that mastodon or running away," she says."And now we're in a 20th-century work situation, and you get that adrenaline ...