for example, means the car costs the dealer less. So would a dealer rebate. Websites like Edmunds track such incentives by vehicle and location. The dealership also may
Step One: Obtain The Dealer Or Factory Invoice Price Depending on the make and model of the vehicle that you're researching, you should be able to use a number of different sites to find its current dealer invoice price. Websites like, and Yahoo! Autos all ...
Since there was no internet finding the invoice prie was more difficult. Dealers were making thousands per each new car sold at that point. now with TrueCar, Costco, and Edmunds they make much less. While it stinks that they hide costs in things like a doc fee, lda fee, or maybe charge...
Omaha, Nebraska, was the place to be. Omaha native Lynn Folgate remembered getting gas that year (her first year driving) for the low price of $0.18 a gallon, according to recollections shared with theRockford Register Star. Folgate also recalled that during her years...
进去edmunds.com主页查询, 也可以在上面review目录里看中某款车时,页面会有一个'Get a Free Price Quote'的链接. 输入您想要买的车款,点击Go。 接下来您选取的Dealer就会纷纷向您提供你感兴趣的车的报价。他们知道您询价不止一家,所以起码不会漫天要价。因为想beat其他竞争者,更渴望卖掉车的车商还多多少少会...
means the car costs the dealer less. So would a dealer rebate. Websites like Edmunds track such incentives by vehicle and location. The dealership also may be getting a holdback -- a percentage of the MSRP or invoice that the manufacturer repays the dealer once a vehicle sells. It's tou...
means the car costs the dealer less. So would a dealer rebate. Websites like Edmunds track such incentives by vehicle and location. The dealership also may be getting a holdback -- a percentage of the MSRP or invoice that the manufacturer repays the dealer once a vehicle sells. It's tou...
means the car costs the dealer less. So would a dealer rebate. Websites like Edmunds track such incentives by vehicle and location. The dealership also may be getting a holdback -- a percentage of the MSRP or invoice that the manufacturer repays the dealer once a vehicle sells. It's tou...