DEAE Sepharose ® Fast Flow is an ion exchange chromatography resin with a diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) functional group [-CH 2-CH 2-N-(CH 2-CH 3)2] attached to Sepharose ® Fast Flow. The CM group serves as a weak anion exchanger, where the degree of dissociation, and thus the ...
DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow 是一种用于快速蛋白质纯化的弱阴离子交换层析树脂。 DEAE Sepharose FF阴离子交换层析树脂 为工业下游过程开发的经过充分验证的弱阴离子交换剂。 广泛用于各种批准的生物药物的捕获和中间纯化。 高化学稳定性允许经过充分验证的 CIP 和消毒协议。 亲水性基础基质确保洗脱池中非特异性结合水平低...
本产品采用高度交联的琼脂糖是以Beyorose™ 6FF为基质,该基质是高度交联的6%琼脂糖(Agarose),与Sepharose 6 Fast Flow的性能基本一致。 DEAE琼脂糖凝胶在生物医学领域内应用非常广泛,可以特异性地纯化生物制药或生物工程下游的蛋白、多肽、抗体等;或分离细胞和植物中多糖物质,多用于分离中性、酸性和粘多糖等物质等...
商品名称:GE LIFE Cytiva DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow,500 mL 商品编号: 17070901 品牌:GE Amersham Biosciences 上架时间:2021-07-19 商品毛重:100克 库存: 15 详细参数>> DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow anion exchange chromatography resin BioProcess resin Yes Ligand Diethylaminoethyl Particle size, d50V1 ~90...
GDP-Sepharosewas the first affinity carrier to show to isolate, in one step, a small amount of pure EF-Tu GDP from S-100 bacterialextracts[50]and the method is still in current use. The specificity of the method is based on the fact that EF-Tu appears to be the only bacterialprotein...
An anion exchange resin, diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) Sepharose((R)), was utilized for the isolation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from fresh waters as an alternative to the discontinued DEAE cellulose. We used the following two chemically distinct model DOM samples to determine the optimized ...
DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow, 500 mL BioProcess resinYes LigandDiethylaminoethyl Particle size, d50V~90 µm1) Ion Exchanger TypeWeak anion exchanger Matrixcross-linked agarose, 6%, spherical Ionic Capacity0.11–0.16 mmol (Cl-)/mL resin pH stability, operational2–122) ...
5. Add the equivalent of 0.3 ml packed DEAE sepharose FF resin to an empty BioRad spin column. Add 1.5 ml TE. Place column in 13 x 100 mm glass test tube. Spin in clinical centrifuge (12-place fixed angle rotor) on setting 2 for ~1 min until all liquid is out of the resin (do...
DEAE 纤维素 DE-32 货号:DCQ0022A包装:100g 英文名:Diethylaminoethyl cellulose 别名:二乙氨基乙基纤维素 品牌: CAS:9013-34-7 柱色谱用强阴离子交换介质 发表在 未分类 | 标签为 de、deae、生物科技、金畔 DEAE Sepharose CL-6B,DEAE 琼脂糖凝胶 CL-6B,|DEAE 琼脂糖凝胶 CL-6B|分离介质 发表于2024...
Thermo-mechanical pulp was treated with lipase and its resin components were separated by using DEAE-Sephadex ion-exchange column. 利用DEAE-Sephadex离子交换树脂分离方法将TMP浆料树脂组分的抽出物进行了分离分析,通过红外分析来探讨脂肪酶对TMP浆料中的树脂组分的降解作用。2...