DE10-Lite VGA管脚分配参考DE10-Lite_User_Manual.pdf 第36页: DE0-CV的VGA管脚分配参考DE0_CV_User_Manual.pdf 第32页: 测试结果 以DE10-Lite为例进行测试: 源码下载 DE10-Lite工程: DE0-CV工程:
HEX 7-segment LED displays(active low)共阳极 On — "0" Off — "1" LEDR LED displays(active high)下拉 On — "1" Off — "0" SW switches(active high)上1下0 Up position — "1" Down position — "0" KEY push buttons(active low)按下0弹起1 De-bounced [DE-10 Lite User Manual, p...
Connecting Arduino seems to be easy, according to the user manual, yet I have few questions: 1) At power up, I assume both devices (the Uno and the FPGA) wake up with default IOs defined as input, correct? How to avoid collision between outputs until the FPGA and/or Uno are prog...
2 467 Visites In the document "Hello_World_Lab_Manual_DE10_Lite" they refer to the link "" the link is not working anymore. Does someone know how to get te file "" ? I wo...
Connecting Arduino seems to be easy, according to the user manual, yet I have few questions: 1) At power up, I assume both devices (the Uno and the FPGA) wake up with default IOs defined as input, correct? How to avoid collision between outputs until the FPGA and/or Uno are programme...
I have modelSim installed, according to the DE10-Lite user manual. Simulation is running well on ModelSim stand alone, but so far I failed to run the verilog simulation or gate level simulation out of the Quartus tools menu. ModelSIm version is 2016.10 Translate ...
Connecting Arduino seems to be easy, according to the user manual, yet I have few questions: 1) At power up, I assume both devices (the Uno and the FPGA) wake up with default IOs defined as input, correct? How to avoid collision between outputs until the FPGA and/or Uno are programme...
installing new bin32\ received from Teasic representative (did try the link in the user manual with no success). I cannot claim conclusively which of the steps solved my problem. But the ControlPanel.exe runs well on Windows10 + Quartus15.1.2 Thanks, YN Tr...