1. 概述 DE10-Lite实验板上有一片5轴加速度计芯片ADXL345(通常称为G-sensor)。它可以用来测量板子的倾斜角度。本文讲述如何以50次/秒的速度读取其X轴和Y轴的数据。 在使用SystemBuilder建立工程时,勾选Accelerometer项。 这个接口有一点复杂,下面的*.zip文件里提供了代码和说明文件。 把以下文件复制到你的工程的...
DE10-Lite System Builder Subscribe More actions Altera_Forum Honored Contributor II 01-21-2017 10:37 PM 3,808 Views Trying to get a zero warning build of a simple project generated by the Terasic System Builder for a minimal system.. http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/attachment....
// This code is generated by Terasic System Builder //=== module DE10_LITE_Golden_Top( /// CLOCK /// input ADC_CLK_10, input MAX10_CLK1_50, input MAX10_CLK2_50, /// SDRAM /// output [12:0] DRAM_ADDR, output [1:0] DRAM_BA, output DRAM_CAS_N, output DRAM_...
软件介绍: DE10-standard开发板随机软件光盘DE10_Standard_SystemBuilder.exe,对学习FPGA有参考价值。能够设置开发板参数,读取、写入、创建配置文件。 其他资源2019-09-03 上传大小:32.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 DE2_115 FPGA开发板资料 本资料是DE2-115 Altera FPGA开发板的资料,内含中文用户手册 ...
Lite Ship From Spain Corners Reinforced Silicone Flexible Fit Perfect Transparent CoverCase For Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 8 9 Pro 8T 9S Dual Cover 360 Transparent Flexible Front Hybrid Case + Hard Back Anti-Scratch Shock Absorbs Impact Perfect Fit Shipping From SpainCase for SAMSUNG GALAXY A6 PLUS ...
COPY --from=builder --chown=wgui:wgui /build/templates /app/templates # Copy assets COPY --from=builder --chown=wgui:wgui /build/node_modules/admin-lte/dist/js/adminlte.min.js /app/assets/dist/js/adminlte.min.js COPY --from=builder --chown=wgui:wgui /build/node_modules/admin-lte/dist...
Spørgsmål og svar-systemet i Masteriyo tillader interaktion mellem eleverne og instruktørerne. En statuslinje er tilgængelig øverst til højre for at vise eleverne, hvor store fremskridt de har gjort i deres kursus.
As a simple demo, I wrote verilog code for an updown counter on the DE10-Lite board using buttons, LEDs and switches. KEY[1] is used as clock and KEY[0] is used as synchronous reset. The counter has a bug when programmed into the DE10. When the three LSB are '111' the next...
// This code is generated by Terasic System Builder //=== module DE10_LITE_Golden_Top( /// CLOCK /// input ADC_CLK_10, input MAX10_CLK1_50, input MAX10_CLK2_50, /// SDRAM /// output [12:0] DRAM_ADDR, output [1:0] DRAM_BA, output DRAM_CAS_N, output DRAM_...
As a simple demo, I wrote verilog code for an updown counter on the DE10-Lite board using buttons, LEDs and switches. KEY[1] is used as clock and KEY[0] is used as synchronous reset. The counter has a bug when programmed into the DE10. When the three LSB are '111' the next...