Xintao Wang, Ke Yu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Chao Dong and Chen Change Loy. BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox., 2020. Some codes are adapted fromColorFormer,BigColor,ConvNeXt,Mask2Former, andDETR. Thanks for their excellent work!
论文: GitHub: Colab在线体验: 双解码器技术 DDColor 模型包括一个图像编码器和两个解码器,分别是图像解码器和颜色解码器。图像解码器完成视觉特征的上采样过程,而颜色解码器基于一个Transformer进...
Xintao Wang, Ke Yu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Chao Dong and Chen Change Loy. BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox., 2020. Some codes are adapted fromColorFormer,BigColor,ConvNeXt,Mask2Former, andDETR. Thanks for their excellent work!
Node to use DDColor ( in ComfyUI The models are selected from the dropdown, and automatically downloaded to the /checkpoints folder using hugginface_hub, alternatively download them manually from here:
Info about the different models: As settings go, I don't understand yet what the model input size should be, seems to vary per model/image, working values to try: 256, 512, 1024. ...
今天和大家分享阿里达摩院出品的一款AI实现黑白照片上色的工具:DDColor。该工具适用于多种格式的图像输入,给定黑白图像,生成上色后的彩色图像;给定彩色图像,将自动提取灰度通道作为输入,生成重上色的图像。 官网体验地址地址
GitHub: Colab在线体验: 双解码器技术 DDColor 模型包括一个图像编码器和两个解码器,分别是图像解码器和颜色解码器。图像解码器完成视觉特征的上采样过程,而颜色解码器基于一个 Transformer 进行颜色查询的解码。
无论是想要为老照片增添色彩,还是对AI图像处理技术感兴趣的朋友,DDColor都是一个值得尝试的项目。 项目地址: 国内镜像地址: 欢迎来到全国首个全信创底座的开源平台XPlaza!
1.安装 miniconda 进入 Anaconda 官网:Miniconda — Anaconda 文档 找到快速命令行安装,选择 Linux 系统,复制代码进入 Web SSH 中粘贴进行安装 等待安装完成 2.下载模型 git clone 3.创建虚拟环境 conda create -n ddcolor python=3.10conda activate ddcolor 4.打开...
Xintao Wang, Ke Yu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Chao Dong and Chen Change Loy. BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox., 2020. Some codes are adapted fromColorFormer,BigColor,ConvNeXt,Mask2Former, andDETR. Thanks for their excellent work!