I dont know the ins and outs of rms but the options(datadist='dd') is a code smell for relying on data in the global environment, which when you are working in shiny is typically avoided (and for good reason). I would hope theres a more sophisticated way to dodge these limitations bu...
ddist<-datadist(data) options(datadist="ddist") (4)构建模型,程序代码为: model<-lrm(outcome~ Age + A1C + Time InData Base + Number of completed office visits + Race + Ethnicity + Insurance +DPP-4i + TZD + Met...
options(datadist="ddist") outsur <- step(cph(Surv(time,status)~group+gender+age+cost+duration+complica+obstruct+size+stage+hb+stb+alt+ast+alp+rgt+wbc,data=surdata,surv=T)) surv <- Survival(outsur) nom.cox <- n...
r语言dist函数r语言datadist函数 datadist函数的设计目的是对预测函数所基于的原始数据进行统计学上的总结,以避免重复读取原始数据。Discription对于给定的一组变量或数据框,确定影响和绘制ting范围的变量摘要、要调整的值,以及Predict, plot.Predict, ggplot.Predict, summary.rms, survplot, 和 nomogram.rms的总体范围。