我觉得这款UH-60L的MOD的质量可以媲美A-4E天鹰了,也是DCS里第一款可以空中加油的直升机。有一点觉得很奇怪,这个黑鹰的RWR明明可以使用的,说明社区MOD也可以实现雷达告警,那为什么A-4E反而没有RWR呢?第一次使用B站的必剪来做视频,不知道效果如何。 视频播放量 44263、
UP主教你飞直升机——DCS:UH-60L黑鹰直升机 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2022-03-13 20:13:00上线。视频内容简介:UP主教你飞直升机——DCS:UH-60L黑鹰直升机
Welcome to the Quick Checklist Series. This is a checklist far from the real one, but that will get you flying quick and safely. This is the version of the UH-60L Checklist (DayOps) early access (vs 0.3) - Start up updated. (Tks cgjimeneza!) (vs 0.2) -
UH-60L Mod Added a lot of stuff. See Wiki for details:https://github.com/asherao/DCS-ExportScripts/wiki/MH-60L Added Streamdeck Profile:https://github.com/asherao/DCS-ExportScripts/blob/master/docu/StreamDeck%20Examples/MH-60L%20Mod%20by%20Bailey%20Release.streamDeckProfile ...
* DCS World 2.7 and above * Touch Portal on Windows 10/11 - v4.0 onwards (Free) - https://www.touch-portal.com/ * Touch Portal on Android (4.1 or higher) or iOS tablet/phone - v4.1 and above (sorry, NOT FREE - need the Pro upgrade for plugins.) ...
RotorOps is a mission generator and gameplay script for DCS: World. At its heart is a game type called Conflict, which requires helicopter operations to win battles on the ground. This is a territory-capture game that promotes focus on individual 'conflict zones'. At the core of the Rotor...
2934 4 3:04 App 【DCS心得】当吊扇也可以空中加油后...|UH60L黑鹰空加 3883 -- 1:14 App 虽然是老游戏,但云真的挺惊艳 3958 3 10:58 App 【DCS网课背景】F-16C迪拜上空让你成为全网最靓的仔 4441 2 3:24 App 【DCS】夜猫子熬夜玩OH58D基奥瓦勇士|初感受 3457 1 2:59 App 【DCSWORLD】...
UP主教你飞直升机——DCS:UH-60L黑鹰直升机 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2022-03-13 20:13:00上线。视频内容简介:UP主教你飞直升机——DCS:UH-60L黑鹰直升机
【DCS】UH-60L模组评测!质量上乘适合新手的优秀直升机mod 2648 -- 0:37 App DCS 当你进了航母机库并在里面弹射。 4.8万 13 0:34 App DCS:F16C 超好听的中文座舱语音 1.3万 15 15:49 App 【DCS】想飞好阿帕奇么 大白话带你了解直升机特性与飞行操作教学 5144 18 3:43 App DCS F14 雄猫 猫王归来!
3062 1 13:01 App DCS World Ps3 eye摄像头头瞄测试 427 -- 10:29 App 【DCS Word】鼠标键盘一样玩可点击座舱! 5926 -- 7:04 App DCS 头瞄设置 全套不用150 PointTracker 傻瞄 2673 -- 3:05 App AimxyZ头瞄 创新Aim瞄准模式使用方法演示 2831 1 11:56 App 老外测试AimxyZ头瞄视频1 5076...