DCS: UH-1H Huey* by Belsimtek 新老玩家必买。便宜,比较好飞DCS: AH-64D* 大家都懂DCS: Kiowa Warrior* 2024年推出的新模组;除了很贵和贴图质量一般外没啥缺点,作为武器类型丰富的轻型直升机十分适合新手入门。气动模拟最好的DCS直升机模组。DCS: SA342M Gazelle 和 Kiowa 是同一个开发者,同是武器丰富...
个人推荐DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight* by Belsimtek 可以放心买武器种类多DCS: UH-1H Huey* ...
UH-1 ADF VHF Radio Setup To configure the VHF ADF: Look down at the center consoleof the Huey Put the VHF Radio in ADF Mode using the switchat the top of the radio to the COMP setting byclicking once. Enter theKHz frequency using the clickableswitch and wheel on the left Reserve...
@Kinkkujuustovoileipa - Support for UH60 Mod Ability to change the SRS Bind IP from to anything you like Added support for the Apache! Basic support with all 5 radios supported (UHF VHF 2x FM and HF) Added support for 5 radios on the SRS aircraft overlay Whitelisted additional ...
DCS: UH-1 Paradise Lost DCS: F-4 MiG Killers Campaign Reactions: Flogger23m like this Sep 13, 2024 #174 Flogger23m [H]F Junkie Joined Jun 19, 2009 Messages 15,455 LurkerLito said: As far as calibration goes, I think all you have to do is delete the default.ini profile ...
UH-1H The huey Last Show SA342M Gazelle Ils fonctionnent correctement Proton 7.0-6 Distro:Fedora Linux 38 (Xfce) Kernel:6.5.7-200.fc38.x86_64 RAM:63 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 535.113.01 GPU:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 CPU:AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Niocnam(22 reports) 12 hours overall Prot...
DCS: UH-1H Huey 可以放心买。比较容易飞 DCS: AH-64D 必买 地图尽量多买 DCS: Marianas 免费 DCS: Nevada Test and Training Range Map 红旗军演地图,有 Las Vegas,喜欢的话可以买。我喜欢 DCS: Persian Gulf Map 地图一般先买 PG 和叙利亚
购买并体验最为真实的A-10C、Uh-1H、F-86F、喷火以及其他航空器模拟 即将到来的令人振奋的新航空器模组:F-14 "雄猫"、F/A-18C "大黄蜂"、F-4E "鬼怪"II、Mi-24P "雌鹿"、P-47D "雷电",等等 可以购买额外的高质量地图模组,例如诺曼底1944和内华达测试和训练靶场地图 ...
UH-1H (DCS World) by KojfDiscord 3D Loading 3D model Model is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properlyModel Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
The collision Wednesday of the Bombardier CRJ-701 twin-engine plane and UH-60 Blackhawk occurred over the Potomac River and the aircraft fell into the water. In 1982 an Air Florida flight crashed into the Potomac and killed 78. Pilots union says its accident investiga...