F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\Mi-24P\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.luaC:\Users\ABC\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.lua涂装F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Liveries\F-14A...
MetadataStart 和 MetadataEnd 模块始终处于活动状态,即使没有活动的飞机(例如,多人游戏中的旁观者模式)。 当AircraftList.lua 中的任何飞机处于活动状态时,CommonData 模块始终处于活动状态。它导出高度、位置和航向等通用信息。 每个导出模块都在 lib 子目录中自己的文件中定义。 每个导出模块都由 BIOS.lua 中的 d...
然后我们需要找到想要更改的飞机所对应控制视角的文件,也就是Views.lua文件,以F18为例,它的路径在游戏目录中:D:\Steam\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\FA-18C\Views.lua,打开这个文件,把下图中框选的部分复制下来。 复制整份ViewSettings的参数 这部分不能直接在Views.lua文件中修改,因为会导致红盾,而且...
DCS: A-10C 16-2 Red Flag Campaign DCS: A-10C Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification Campaign DCS: A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign DCS: A-10C Stone Shield Campaign DCS: A-10C Tactical Training Qualification Campaign DCS: Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign DCS: Combined Arms: Frontlines Georg...
Other important improvements will include cargos no longer being destroyed when dropped, improved oil and water leak effects for World War II aircraft, and the Arleigh Burke Close-In Weapon System (CWIS) use against missiles is improved. Click to expand... Terrain optimization seems greats. The...
For MSFS, there is also a implementation that integrates tightly with the AFCS system on the HPG Airbus H145 and H160 helicopters. The collective will follow the autopilot and interacts with the collective trim-release controls of those aircraft. ...
\DCS World (OpenBeta)\Mods\aircraft\F-5E(modulename)\ We have to copy over the 'ViewSettings' part of the 'Views.lua' file, which should be placed in to the server.lua file we copied to our \Saved Games\DCS(.openbeta)\Config\View\ directory earlier. Please note that to copy this...
DCS WorldCorrected RSC of most missiles to bring values to a more realistic look. Nothing special, just percentages. ME. The default speed of ships increased from 11 to 27 knots. Effects. The dust plume from low-flying aircraft has been improved and tuned. AIM-9X missile. Corrected...
DCS World Best Maps (Ranked) Well, I have said it before and I will say it again: DCS is the best there is in terms of combat flight simulators. With regards to the realism, the graphics, single and multiplayer options, aircraft, mods, and everything in between—DCS is unbeatable. No...
Flaming Cliffs 2024 Planned Launch Date Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 will expand the series with the inclusion of three new aircraft: the FC: F-5E, FC: F-86F, and FC: MiG-15bis. These aircraft are designed to be less complex and easier-to-learn, making them