MetadataStart 和 MetadataEnd 模块始终处于活动状态,即使没有活动的飞机(例如,多人游戏中的旁观者模式)。 当AircraftList.lua 中的任何飞机处于活动状态时,CommonData 模块始终处于活动状态。它导出高度、位置和航向等通用信息。 每个导出模块都在 lib 子目录中自己的文件中定义。 每个导出模块都由 BIOS.lua 中的 d...
F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\Mi-24P\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.luaC:\Users\ABC\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.lua涂装F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Liveries\F-14A...
WinchesterAircraft is out of all munitions."Uzi 11 is winchester, RTB" Carrier Brevity Work in progress, please standby! ATC / Flight Terminology Work in progress, please standby! In the meantime, check out[1] Miscelaneous Codewords and Abbreviations ...
DCS Mod to add custom input commands in your user profile instead of by modding the game for each aircraft. Prevents commands from being lost when DCS updates. dcsdcs-worldhotasthrustmaster-warthog-hotas UpdatedJul 11, 2024 Lua Script for DCS World ...
手册位于游戏目录里。例如SU-25T的手册在\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Su-25T\Doc这里面。 游戏里有相应的训练内容,在主菜单的“训练”里面,官方教程手把手嘴对嘴教会你用键盘开飞机。 这是一款模拟游戏,要精通的难度甚至接近开真飞机。和其他游戏不同,也许在GTA里你的车技了得,但并不代表你可以轻松考过汽车驾照...
/refresh marks on targets within sight of the aircraftbeing piloted by the player. Enabling/disablingautomatic refreshing marks on targets within view allows you to track them as they move. Below is a complete list of all the "actions" plus the data that is sent through For more ...
Flaming Cliffs 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The F-5E FC, F-86F FC, and MiG-15bis FC. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and
DCS-WORLD数据获取 DCS-WORLD数据获取 任务:获取DCS-World的姿态数据,发送到6⾃由度平台。过程:1.获取dcs-bios 2.复制DCS-BIOS⽂件夹和Export.lua放到游戏指定位置:⽤户/保存的游戏/DCS/Scripts/ 3.根据数据输出协议获取数据。1.数据输出 驾驶舱当前状态使⽤⼆进制协议从 DCS 导出(参见下⽅ DCS-... 2楼2023-09-18 18:19 收起回复 羽鳞ゆりん 中尉 7 楼主目前只翻译了自己拥有的五架飞机的手柄键位图,因为没有的飞机难以校对。大家可以在游戏里通过直接点击键盘键位或输入键位名称,进行快速定位。SU-25T...