What are those german planes made of?盟军的战机大都装备翼载机枪加上带距离测定的瞄准镜,翼载机枪弹道的交叉 convergence 通常设定在 1000 feet,把瞄准镜的 convergence distance 设为 1000 feet、翼展 wingspan 设为 35 feet 即可(敌机飞得太远太近的话瞄准后射击只有一半的枪能命中敌机或者完全打不中)。
Looks like FC3 is no longer on Steam. Not sure why. You can buy the planes individually but the price will be higher. I believe that is because they...
Complete Troops and Logistics Deployment for DCS World License This script has been created by Ciribob (contact him on Discord) and is now maintained by Zip (contact him on Discord) and the VEAF Team. It's open-source and free as in free beer (you don't have to pay to use it), ...
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LCTRL+F11 开启 Free Camera,(SHIFT/CTRL)+WASD 移动。SHIFT/CTRL+F4, (CTRL)+F5 皇牌空战视角,F6-F11 其他视角,F10 地图。RCTRL+Num*/(Num/) 调焦距(拍照用)。LCTRL+Y 隐藏信息栏 无线电 UHF/VHF-AM/VHF-FM 频率越低传得越远;设置好频率后按 (ALT/CTRL)+\ 或 HOTAS 键位调出对讲菜单;在地上可...
First things first, try starting the game and selecting the Launch DCS World Steam Edition in OpenXR Mode - if that doesn't work, perhaps consider doing these steps: I had to do the following to be able to play the game: Run protontricks: protontricks 223750 d3dcompiler_47 Create a syml...
ABS() added to function where NS430_VLOC_FLIP_FLOP gave negative value Updated list of airframes where NS-430 is supported
Night vision goggles do not provide sufficient illumination with no moonlight. Dedicated server window can hang when minimised. MP. Ping info missing (always zero) in player's list.Share: FOLLOW US Products DCS World Planes Helicopters Terrains Campaigns Other Downloads DCS World Texture templates...
DCS World Added FREE TF-51D for DCS World! This is the P-51D with the weapons, radios and ...