个人推荐DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight* by Belsimtek 可以放心买武器种类多DCS: UH-1H Huey* ...
FC3 机型和免费的 SU25T 可以先绑定 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons 菜单下的相应键位。FC3 机型的键位是通用的,各机型键位可以通过保存导入快速绑定。 设置里先点一下 Gameplay 页右下角的 Simulation 再勾选 Mirror 和 Wake Turbulence. Misc. 页勾选 Show Pilot Body. Special 页有...
weapons_introduction_year_overrides: Dictionary of alternate weapons introduction years to use for this faction. Keys in the dictionary should match Liberation weapons names (found in YAML files in resources/weapons). Values in the dictionary are the alternate weapon introduction years. The intended us...
Updated historical mode and added weapons. MG was removed from the enumeration of the armament of the BTR-80 and BRDM-2, added for the buttons [LShift + Space]. Fixed - flight deck fence open and close without planes. Fixed life for static units. Fixed - Chaparral M48 not turn body for...
FC3 和免费的 SU25T 关注 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons。FC3 机型的键位是通用的,可以在设置好后保存导入。机型对应的指南里有摇杆键位示意图。按上面的说明飞机调整Y轴灵敏度直升机调整XY轴灵敏度。界面右下方点禁用热插拔。