DCS: UH-1H Huey* by Belsimtek 新老玩家必买。便宜,比较好飞DCS: AH-64D* 大家都懂DCS: Kiowa Warrior* 2024年推出的新模组;除了很贵和贴图质量一般外没啥缺点,作为武器类型丰富的轻型直升机十分适合新手入门。气动模拟最好的DCS直升机模组。DCS: SA342M Gazelle 和 Kiowa 是同一个开发者,同是武器丰富...
UH-1 ADF VHF Radio Setup To configure the VHF ADF: Look down at the center consoleof the Huey Put the VHF Radio in ADF Mode using the switchat the top of the radio to the COMP setting byclicking once. Enter theKHz frequency using the clickableswitch and wheel on the left Reserve...
我觉得这款UH-60L的MOD的质量可以媲美A-4E天鹰了,也是DCS里第一款可以空中加油的直升机。有一点觉得很奇怪,这个黑鹰的RWR明明可以使用的,说明社区MOD也可以实现雷达告警,那为什么A-4E反而没有RWR呢?第一次使用B站的必剪来做视频,不知道效果如何。 视频播放量 44263、
个人推荐DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight* by Belsimtek 可以放心买武器种类多DCS: UH-1H Huey* ...
(vs 0.1-Lancamento inicial do MOD). Delete o arquivo antigo "C:\Users\"your name"\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Kneeboard\UH-60L\00-Quick Checklist.png". Extraia os arquivos dentro de "C:\Users\"your name"\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\". ...
@Kinkkujuustovoileipa - Support for UH60 Mod Ability to change the SRS Bind IP from to anything you like Added support for the Apache! Basic support with all 5 radios supported (UHF VHF 2x FM and HF) Added support for 5 radios on the SRS aircraft overlay Whitelisted additional ...
Mods User Interface OIO - Overexplained Interaction Options - DCs Approvals and Flags in Dialogues Endorsements 4,601 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 7.3.0 Download: Manual Last updated 18 January 20258:38PM Original upload ...
DCS: UH-1H Huey 可以放心买。比较容易飞 DCS: AH-64D 必买 地图尽量多买 DCS: Marianas 免费 DCS: Nevada Test and Training Range Map 红旗军演地图,有 Las Vegas,喜欢的话可以买。我喜欢 DCS: Persian Gulf Map 地图一般先买 PG 和叙利亚
Dendritic cells (DCs) determine the outcome of the immune response based on signals they receive from the environment. Presentation of antigen under various contexts can lead to activation and differentiation of T cells for immunity or dampening of immune responses by establishing tolerance, primarily ...