The Su-33 has been the backbone of Russian aircraft carrier aviation since the late 1990s and is an all-weather fighter capable of engaging both air and surface targets. Based on the powerful Su-27 “Flanker”, the Su-33 is a navalized version suited for
FC3 和免费的 SU25T 关注 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons。FC3 机型的...
FC3 机型和免费的 SU25T 可以先绑定 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons 菜单下的相应键位。FC3 机型的键位是通用的,各机型键位可以通过保存导入快速绑定。 设置里先点一下 Gameplay 页右下角的 Simulation 再勾选 Mirror 和 Wake Turbulence. Misc. 页勾选 Show Pilot Body. Special 页有...
DCS: 超级航母模组包括俄罗斯库兹涅佐夫舰载机巡洋舰、阿利伯克导弹驱逐舰以及Su-33舰载机。 航空长战位。 简报室。 使用PLAT摄像机(包含VR支持)的着舰信号官(LSO)战位。 更多的LSO战位交互。 整合联合武装。 “漩涡”效应。 复飞和脱钩返回航线无线电消息。
修正训练任务MI-8MTV2-Training-Weapons. 修正快速任务Mi-8MTV2-QS-Convoy Raid and Mi-8MTV2-QS-Target Practice. DCS MiG-15bis(by BST) 修正驾驶舱白色灯。 修正训练任务。 DCS L-39 修正任务开始首次“МРП-РВ”断路器的行为。 DCS UH-1 ...
修正训练任务MI-8MTV2-Training-Weapons. 修正快速任务Mi-8MTV2-QS-Convoy Raid and Mi-8MTV2-QS-Target Practice. DCS MiG-15bis(by BST) 修正驾驶舱白色灯。 修正训练任务。 DCS L-39 修正任务开始首次“МРП-РВ”断路器的行为。 DCS UH-1 ...
Until very recently, for around 8 years BMP-2s and other IFVs were better anti aircraft weapons than dedicated AA systems like the Gepard and Shilka. Even today I am still be sniped by auto cannons. Managed to avoid two Gepards only to be taken out by a BMP-2 while flying an F-16...
DCS Weapons New implementation of A2A missiles (by ED) for MiG-21 and AJS-37: R-3S, R-3R, R-13, R-13M1, Rb-24/24J, and Rb-74. Fixed inaccuracies in several versions of the AIM-9. Added AIM-9P3 and R-60A missiles. Fixed R-60 payload drag. AIM-120 has a more ...
Added FREE TF-51D for DCS World! This is the P-51D with the weapons, radios and rear tank ...
Era-restricted weapons (work in progress). Tons of UI polish. Rebalanced economy to keep opfor competitive over the course of the game. Features/Improvements [Flight Planner]Air-to-air and SEAD escorts will no longer be automatically planned for packages that are not in range of threats. ...