FC3 机型和免费的 SU25T 可以先绑定 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons 菜单下的相应键位。FC3 机型的键位是通用的,各机型键位可以通过保存导入快速绑定。 设置里先点一下 Gameplay 页右下角的 Simulation 再勾选 Mirror 和 Wake Turbulence. Misc. 页勾选 Show Pilot Body. Special 页有...
Note: This is the exact same simulation of the Su-25 as featured in DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3.The Su-25 'Grach' (Rook), NATO callsigned 'Frogfoot', is a dedicated strike attack aircraft designed for the close air support and anti-tank roles. The Su-25 has se
About This Game: 在数字战斗模拟世界(DCS世界)中免费感受驾驶Su-25T"蛙足"攻击机和TF-51D"野马"的快感! DCS世界是由一个富有灵感的开发团队创造的一个载具战斗模拟游戏。DCS世界采用了强大的引擎,并提供逼真的游戏体验。游戏中的战场包括一个壮观的
one of the most powerful Mission Editors ever designed, network play, and hundreds of AI weapons systems, ground units, armored vehicles, air defense systems, and ships. It also includes a free Russian Sukhoi Su-25T ground attack jet and the famous WWII North American TF-51D Mustang fighter...
FC3 和免费的 SU25T 关注 Sensors(雷达)、Modes(超视距,狗斗和对地)和 Weapons。FC3 机型的...
Some New Weapons Feature 21 feb East Afghanistan 14 feb La-7 31 jan Su-25 news 24 jan G.91 More DCS: Afghanistan Map The DCS: Afghanistan full area: 2 290 264 km2 28 highly detailed airfields 20 years of the War on Terror and the Soviet operations of the 1980s place Afghanistan...
DCS Weapons New implementation of A2A missiles (by ED) for MiG-21 and AJS-37: R-3S, R-3R, R-13, R-13M1, Rb-24/24J, and Rb-74. Fixed inaccuracies in several versions of the AIM-9. Added AIM-9P3 and R-60A missiles. Fixed R-60 payload drag. AIM-120 has a more ...
修正训练任务MI-8MTV2-Training-Weapons. 修正快速任务Mi-8MTV2-QS-Convoy Raid and Mi-8MTV2-QS-Target Practice. DCS MiG-15bis(by BST) 修正驾驶舱白色灯。 修正训练任务。 DCS L-39 修正任务开始首次“МРП-РВ”断路器的行为。 DCS UH-1 ...
修正训练任务MI-8MTV2-Training-Weapons. 修正快速任务Mi-8MTV2-QS-Convoy Raid and Mi-8MTV2-QS-Target Practice. DCS MiG-15bis(by BST) 修正驾驶舱白色灯。 修正训练任务。 DCS L-39 修正任务开始首次“МРП-РВ”断路器的行为。 DCS UH-1 ...
["weapons"] = false, }, ["format"] = 1, ["graphics"] = { ["AA"] = "OFF", ["BlurFlatShadows"] = 0, ["ColorGradingLUT"] = 0, ["DLSS_PerfQuality"] = 3, ["DOF"] = 0, ["LODmult"] = 1, ["LensEffects"] = 0, ["MSAA"] = 1, ["SSAO"] = 0, ["SSLR"] = 0...