Once you start a mission that contains a pattern as described in the next section, DATIS runs automatically. It thereby expects a SRS server to run locally on the default SRS ports. If DATIS isn't working, you might find some helpful information in the log file atDCS.openbeta\Logs\DAT...
DCS SimpleRadio Standalone FAQ Most frequent questions and answers What is DCS SimpleRadio STandalone - SRS? Why DCS-SRS? What about Discord etc? How do I install? How do I use it? How do I host my own Server? Installation and Basic Overview Video ...
SRS now supports FQDNs as hostnames, that means, the bot will replace SRS_HOST with your FQDN instead of your external IP in your DCS-SRS-AutoConnectGameGUI.lua! { "installation": "DCS.openbeta_server", "extensions": { "SRS": { "config": "%USERPROFILE%\\Saved Games\\DCS.openbeta...
专用站专用站■ ■■b Close 特别提示:***IP地址也与之前的版本一致下一步安装系统软件 CENTUM SETUP CENTUM SETUP Setting IT Security(File server/domain controller use) OS 1000 Project DB conversion License Manager Software Install drivers RS driver for Console HIS 专用站 RAS driver for Console HIS ...
SRS Display players activity on SRS, show active channels and enable slot blocking. yes MissionStats README Tacview Install or uninstall Tacview from your server(s) and do a basic configuration. yes README Voting Simple voting system for players to be able to change missions, weather, etc. ...
Punishment system can now be disabled per server and via a lua call SRS: now has an always_on switch (to support DATIS) Players get information about the next scheduled restart on join LotAtc: can now kick GCIs, if they try to join DCS also (exemptions apply) ...
If you don't want SRS autoconnect enabled and you use the extension, you need to setautoconnect: falsenow! SRS:config:'%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta_server\Config\SRS.cfg'port:5002autoconnect:true#install the appropriate DCS-SRS-AutoConnectGameGUI.lua, default: true...
/dcs installand/dcs uninstallalways asked if servers should be shut down, even if none were up /node add_instancedid not work reliably on servers without any instance update.cmd: Commandline args were overwritten in update.py Sample Config for new SRS Plugin ...
install failed when SRS config wasn't there MizEdit and realweather could not move files over disk boundaries Possible corruption of serverSettings.lua due to exceptions in MizEdit or realweather fixed
SRS-Lua-Wrapper SINCGARS Jul 30, 2023 Scripts Merge pull request#715from Camble/autoconnect Dec 31, 2024 docs Update labelled server settings Mar 25, 2022 install-build Release Mar 28, 2023 .gitattributes Add Prompt for notes