"target_path_0 = '/workspace/src/how-to-read-paper/dataset/train_0/0'\n", "target_path_1 = '/workspace/src/how-to-read-paper/dataset/train_0/1'\n", "\n", "os.makedirs(target_path_0, exist_ok=True)\n", "os.makedirs(target_path_1, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", "file_li...
What is the Process Manager? How do I use the Process Manager? Why can I get to my cPanel but homepage does not display? Knowledgebase Article 235,109 views tags:concurrentconnectionsdisplayingfrozenmanagermangerprocesssitetwentywebsite SSL Installation of 3rd Party Certificate ...
You can use this PySimpleGUI program to do the conversion. I use it to make all of my Base64 variables. You provide it an input file and it will leave on the clipboard the base64 encoded bytestring. All you have to do is paste it into your code and you're good to go. https:/...
Figure 2.5.AI taxonomy based on the high-level role it plays in business. You could use this taxonomy to guide you in eliciting available business actions you can help with AI. You can use AI as a part of the following: Decision support system—CJ lsehp cn epoleemy te aneramg lk pt...
This chapter aims to study how to best name things in code, like variables, classes, and methods. Since we now know quite a bit about how the brain processes code, we can more deeply understand why naming is so important for code comprehension. Good names help activate your LTM to find ...
LEGEND , Nov 11, 2015 Copy link to clipboard This indicates that the data is compressed with LZW compression, then turned to a compact ASCII representation. LZW is as used in GIF, but that doesn't mean someone has dumped a GIF file. PNG ...
In contrast to other empiri- cal studies where incomplete knowledge about the underlying social network leads to unavoidable bias21, we use here the largest connected component of the aggregated free Skype service as the underlying structure, where nodes are Skype users and links confirmed contacts ...
LEGEND , Nov 11, 2015 Copy link to clipboard This indicates that the data is compressed with LZW compression, then turned to a compact ASCII representation. LZW is as used in GIF, but that doesn't mean someone has dumped a GIF file. PNG f...
But it’s difficult for most organizations to use such metrics to make quantitative and repeatable business decisions. Link business and technology metrics, which is the L part of CLUE, so that you can measure technical progress in business terms. That’s done by constructing a profit curve. ...
There are many different name molds used to shape variable names, but limiting yourself to a smaller number of molds will likely help comprehension. Applying Feitelson’s three-step model (what concepts to use in a name, what words to use for those concepts, and how to combine them) leads...