我们,制作这个mod多多少少是为了好玩以及对F-104战机的喜爱,我们想在游戏中拥有一个有关F-104的较为精细的模组。如果你期待着本mod有h组或r组(mod开发者)的质量,好吧,你可能对我们这群刚懂些DCS mod制作皮毛的人要求太多了点……为了让您自己开心,不如退后一步,放低要求,享受本mod……总之,我们希望给您带...
OpenHornet 1:1 F/A-18C Simulator Repository flight-simulatordcsdcs-worldflight-simulationsimpithornetfa-18chome-cockpitdcs-bios UpdatedNov 28, 2024 XSLT Download Olympus here:https://github.com/Pax1601/DCSOlympus/releases. DCS Olympus is an independent and non-profit mod for DCS World. It allows...
ctld.JTACAutoLase like in this example : ctld.JTACAutoLase('JTAC1', 1688, true,"all", 4, { freq = "251.50", mod = "AM, name = "JTAC one" }) If you don't use the _radio parameter, CTLD will compute a FM frequency basedon the laser designator code : 30Mhz + [second...
The file DCS ModManFX 64 Bits Mod Manager v. is a modification for Digital Combat Simulator World, a(n) simulation game. Download for free. File Size: 2.6 MB
6181F-15TPXP 6SR3952-0AC50-0AD0 2198-DBR40-F 2198-BARCON-55DC200 GW-SPEED-L KL9210 KL1408 KL2408 KL3404 KL3204 KL9010 KL1104 KL2134 KL3454 KL6041-0025 KL4001 KL5001-0016 5020-0111+CX5020-M310 3150-0018 TC-CHARGER-100V-95A-K BMOD0500 P016B02 8.5863.1200.G323.S013.K012...
acs 600用户手册使用advabuild for电气传动fcb dcs6.pdf,Table of Contents Table of Contentsiii Chapter 1 - Introduction 1-1 Safety 1-1 General1-1 Purpose of this 1-2 AdvaBuild for Windows1-2 Definitions 1-2 Chapter 2 - Installation 2-1 Installation2-1 How t
檻の中、私は ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** らに壊される。 夢見草 slowdamage 7日間の溺愛文学 DCS - 下载 download ダウンロード - 提示信息 ,⭐翼の夢🌈舞
Download Olympus here: https://github.com/Pax1601/DCSOlympus/releases. DCS Olympus is an independent and non-profit mod for DCS World. It allows users to spawn, control, task, group, and remove units from a DCS World server using a real-time map interface, similar to Real Time Strategy ...
我们建议您首先进入DCS的开始菜单中的设置面板来设置控制,在VSN_F104G或VSN_F104s下。你会发现这些操控页面非常熟悉,当然了,本Mod套用了许多F15C的操控。 请牢记,您必须反转节流阀轴。在滚转与俯仰方面,这架飞机的控制面将表现得非常灵敏(线性滚转/俯仰),因为F-104并不是一架电传操控飞机。也就是说每一次细微的...