驾驶舱贴图modF:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\Mi-24P\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.luaC:\Users\ABC\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Mi-24P\某涂装的文件夹或zip\description.lua涂装F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\...
OpenHornet 1:1 F/A-18C Simulator Repository flight-simulatordcsdcs-worldflight-simulationsimpithornetfa-18chome-cockpitdcs-bios UpdatedNov 28, 2024 XSLT Download Olympus here:https://github.com/Pax1601/DCSOlympus/releases. DCS Olympus is an independent and non-profit mod for DCS World. It allows...
选择DCS.exe 即可扫描出所有已安装机型mod文件。其中JF17,F14,Ka50等自带导出所需的代码就不用操作了,FC3不支持。接下来勾选需要导出仪表的机型,并按下即可为相应机型添加仪表导出的代码。 点击添加输出 下方列表中出现各个文件的修改情况。其中为成功执行,为执行失败。 第二步: 成功执行后即可添加MonitorSetup一...
Step 4 Run the following command to download and decompress the hiredis package: wget https://github.com/redis/hiredis/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip Step 5 Go to the directory where the decompressed hiredis package is saved, and compile and install hiredis. ...
具体连接操作, 请查看步骤3和步骤4。前提条件 ● 已成功申请Redis实例,且状态为“运行中”。 ● 已创建弹性云服务器,创建弹性云服务器的方法,请参见《弹性云服务器用户指 南》 ● 如果弹性云服务器为Linux系统,该弹性云服务器必须已经安装gcc编译环境。操作...
Step 4 Run the following command to download and decompress the hiredis package: wget https://github.com/redis/hiredis/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip Step 5 Go to the directory where the decompressed hiredis package is saved, and compile and install hiredis. ...
4. Install the DCS Unit Tester Mod in OVGME Get OVGME from here and configure it Install the mod from this repository: DCS Unit Tester Mod - Enable SSE LuaSocket This mod whitelists the LuaSocket library in the Safe Scripting Environment to allow the mission track to talk over a TCP conn...
This mod offers an alternative for most sound effects in DCS World. For a detailed description please visit: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1767436&postcount=1 JSGME CAN BE USED TO INSTALL THIS MOD README.txt in "DCS Sound Mod 1 of 4.rar" contains the necessary instructions. ...
即可扫描出所有已安装机型mod文件。其中JF17,F14,Ka50等自带导出所需的代码就不用操作了,FC3不支持。接下来勾选需要导出仪表的机型,并按下即可为相应机型添加仪表导出的代码。 点击添加输出 下方列表中出现各个文件的修改情况。其中为成功执行,为执行失败。