The X-rite software is likely not including the correct camera metadata in the dcp file for it to be recognized by Lightroom. Not much you can do here since the passport accompanying software is no longer being maintained it appears and hasn't been for ...
The X-rite software is likely not including the correct camera metadata in the dcp file for it to be recognized by Lightroom. Not much you can do here since the passport accompanying software is no longer being maintained it appears and hasn't...
楼主:您好,在Lightroom_Classic_2025_v14.0.1版本中所有导进去都是呈黑白的,在2024版本中完全是正常的,请楼主指点,谢谢!你说的“导进去”是什么意思?直接拷贝到“C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles”目录下即可。ACR17没有问题,我猜LR14也没有问题。 (0) (0) 只看该作者...
Copy the DCP file to C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\ Open Lightroom Classic and import some DNG from the mobile phone. Open Develop settings and in the right panel open Profiles and switch from Embedded to the newly visible profile „Go...
•••••• 😊: 当然用tiff格式如果你的照片原来是raw的,就用原来的格式最好lightroom最好别用JPG格式导出,用PS编辑完最后用JPG导出可以 Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) PR导出来的视频不清晰怎么回事? 共4条回答 > little: 首先我们打开pr导入素材。2然后点击导出命令。3选择导出预设为...
This is a set of camera profiles for use with raw images from digital cameras. They are based on the camera matching profiles available in adobe cameraraw / lightroom for fuji X-cameras. This latest version is based on a more recent camera model: the x-pro3. ...
(ProgramData这个文件夹默认是隐藏的,要取消隐藏才能看得到,若没有CameraProfiles这个文件夹,可新建一个这样的文件夹再把dcp文件存放在里面。在这个路径里LIGHTROOM和PHOTOSHOP都是可以共用这一个DCP配置文件的) 8、打开一张raw格式的图片,在配置文件里进行应用刚才保存好的DCP文件,图片顿时变得灰蒙蒙的一片,不急,我们...
A DCP file is a digital negative (DNG) camera profile used by Adobe image-editing products, such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. It contains the initial color rendering settings when importing aRAWdigital photo. DCP files describe the interpretation of color information for digital raw image da...
Sony NEX-VG900 Camera Vivid.dcp file errors often occur during the startup phase ofAdobe Photoshop Lightroom, but can also occur while the program is running. These types DCP errors are also known as“runtime errors”because they occur while Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is running. Here are som...
Sony ILCE-5000 Camera Vivid.dcp file errors often occur during the startup phase ofAdobe Photoshop Lightroom, but can also occur while the program is running. These types DCP errors are also known as“runtime errors”because they occur while Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is running. Here are some...