Apply changes to a whole image or select specific parts to get the perfect look on desktop, mobile, or web. Edit with AI Focus on the moment. Instantly add a blur effect with new and improved Lens Blur, powered by AI. New presets make it easy to highlight your subject and blur out ...
More like this Get started with Lightroom (desktop) Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (iOS) Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android) Use Lightroom with Photoshop مشاركة هذه الصفحة تم نسخ الارتباط ...
系统会显示以下对话框。单击“删除先前同步的照片”。 此时会将您重定向到Web 版 Lightroom。要继续,请按照提示确认您的操作。 法律声明|在线隐私政策 共享此页面 链接已复制 此页面有用吗? 是,谢谢不是太有用 更改地区 Copyright © 2025 Adobe.保留所有权利。
Meet the photo editing app that’s optimized for desktop. Lightroom Classic gives you all the desktop editing tools you need to bring out the best in your photos. Punch up colors, make dull-looking shots vibrant, remove distracting objects, and straighten skewed shots. Easily organize all your...
试用! 曝光 对比度 高光 阴影 白色 黑色 原著:Kenneth Hines Jr 摄影定价和计划 从Lightroom 到 Photoshop 等,对于您的所有创造力,我们能够您所需的功能来支持您的构想,帮助打造令人惊叹的效果。 查看定价和计划 告别枯燥无味 Lightroom 的修复工具可去除干扰和瑕疵,使每张照片都十全十美。
When i try to buy lightroom cc for desktop it says "In order to upgrade to a Lightroom CC plan with 1TB, we have to cancel your current Lightroom CC Mobile Premium subscription. Please click below." BUT, my mobile lightroom cc subscription has been cancelled for over a month, a...
I uploaded several photos my from laptop to Lightroom CC on OSX. I later edited these photos on Lightroom CC mobile on my iPhone. While I can contiue to edit the photos on my iPhone or Desktop (and even on Lightroom Web), i...
- 安装程序:基于Adobe产品独立安装程序版本 - 安装程序:解除 Windows 10 初期版系统上安装限制(by m0nkrus) - 安装程序:移除原始安装程序的Adobe Desktop Common (公用库) 组件 - 安装程序:移除原始安装程序的Adobe Creative Cloud (创意云程序) 组件 ...
Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 2023中文绿色便携版是一款针对摄影师设计的专业级图像后期处理软件,该版本已贴心地免去了激活步骤,且无需安装,只保留简体中文,精简了多余的多国语言文件和无效资源,确保软件轻巧实用。同时,为了用户的纯净体验,去除了所有非必要的Adobe创意云组件及其关联进程,诸如Desktop Common、...
1.如果出现 错误501 提示,说明未满足Antic或Adobe CC桌面要求,请安装好AntiCC或Adobe CC Desktop。 2.如果出现 “Damaged” error: 错误,对着 Install 安装程序右键 –> 选择打开包内容 –> MacOS –> 双击Install 打开安装。 3.如果安装了AntiCC后,M1电脑按2方法处理 “Damaged” error: “无效的话,那只有...