图6 On-target indel errors (800-kp knock-in). Deep sequencing was used to measure the levels of indel formation when using dCas9–SSAP and Cas9 references at the endogenous targets DYNLT1 (left) and HSP90AA1 (right). HDR templates with a 200-bp HA were used as the donor template. 为...
总体而言,dCas9-SSAP 基因编辑工具能够在不引入DNA双链断裂的前提下进行高效、安全、精准的长片段外源DNA的插入,从而第一次揭示了无切割基因编辑工具的可行性和应用潜力。图1:dCas9-SSAP 工作原理 图2:与经典CRISPR基因编辑需要对DNA进行切割会产生随机突变,而dCas9-SSAP则不需要切割DNA可实现精确编辑 原文链接...
dCas9蛋白不能切割DNA,但保留了解开靶位点并形成R环的能力,使非靶链被认为可用于SSAP刺激的同源重组。为了测试这一点,作者设计并评估了三种主要的微生物SSAP:λ噬菌体Bet、大肠杆菌Rac原噬菌体RecT和噬菌体T7 gp2.5。作者通过RNA适体MS2将SSAP募集到化脓性链球菌Cas9的失活版本-dSpCas9(以下简化为dCas9)中(图2)...
图6 On-target indel errors (800-kp knock-in). Deep sequencing was used to measure the levels of indel formation when using dCas9–SSAP and Cas9 references at the endogenous targets DYNLT1 (left) and HSP90AA1 (right). HDR templates with a 200-bp HA were used as the donor template. Det...