It is a low-wing metal monoplane with conventional landing gear, powered by two radial piston engines of 1,000–1,200 hp (750–890 kW). Although the DC-3s originally built for civil service had the Wright R-1820 Cyclone, later civilian DC-3s used the Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp...
The Douglas DC-3 by Ssorg is the latest project to achieve 10,000 supporters onLEGO Ideas. The aircraft is a fixed-wing propeller airliner that transformed air travel in the 1930s and 1940s and had the most impact in World War II. The set comes in at 18 inches in length with a 26...
Many of the real-world functions of the design are replicated, including accurate engine start and management routines, correct operation of hydraulics for landing gear and flaps and a “working” original Sperry Gyro-pilot. There’s even a navigation sextant for those with the spirit to use one...
As he began his descent to reduce the chances of cartwheeling during the single-engine landing, Bergum kept the landing gear up. When fully retracted, the DC-3's wheels still protruded from the underneath the airplane, providing a mild buffer in an emergency landing. Just before the field,...
Views: 61 Initial mockup of the landing gear parts.Oct 02, 2022, 05:29 PM #9 E-Challenged Registered User I stalled out on building the smaller Pat Tritle-designed DC-3 sold by Brodak. That model is not designed for retracts but Troy McMillan made his own retracts for his version...
Here is the complete representation of the Douglas DC-3, a fixed-wing propeller-driven airliner with tailwheel type landing gear. Prior to the development of the DC-1/2/3 series, scheduled air travel was noisy, relatively uncomfortable, and something that could only be afforded by the wealthy...
It has no spinning rotors, or landing gear, and needs some normals touchups on the fuselage... so in that sense, it's not actually finished. ...
The DC-2 was the twin engine all metal aircraft with state of the art features as retractable landing gear and variable pitch propellers in a streamlined and smooth design, as the world had not seen before. Aircrafts are starting to use the potential of blockchain to share data safely across...
Odds in the updates includes a better (or brighter) tail beacon, the landing/taxi lights also now have that X-Plane 12 flare look as well... ...DC-3 Airlineronly changes include Fuel pumps sounds tuneups, which now have reduced intensity (sounds overall are excellent...
I have landing gear (not retractable) on my B-25, and it is a bit too draggy for the geared 400's. I think that if I were to build another I would opt for more power, perhaps a pair of velcoms or even a pair of Jeti 15/4 Phasors. That would turn it into a real ground st...