The Party organization of a department or locality may make suggestions to the Central Committee with regard to such policies, but shall not make any decision or express their views outside the Party without authorization. 党的下级组织必须坚决执行上级组织的决定...
For counties lifted out of poverty, a five-year transition period will apply from the date poverty in their locality was eradicated, during which major assistance policies will remain unchanged for them. Continuous monitoring a...
The Party organization of a department or locality may make suggestions to the Central Committee with regard to such policies, but shall not make any decision or express their views outside the Party without authorization. 党的下级组织必须坚决执行上级组织的决定。下级...
For counties lifted out of poverty, a five-year transition period will apply from the date poverty in their locality was eradicated, during which major assistance policies will remain unchanged for them. Continuous monitoring and assistance mechanisms will be enh...