这是⼀种基于地区差别的调节性补助,通常叫做“地⽅性⼯资”(locality pay)。依靠此类补助,很多低档级的公务员⼯资得到了提⾼。例如,联邦所属医院的护⼠,2006年的年薪基数已是3.1万美元,⽽护⼠是联邦⼈事管理局(The U.S. Office of Personnel Management)⼯资总表上年薪最低的岗位。不过,...
as commercial litigation. Business law encompasses civil litigation involving one or more business entities as parties. Typically, the area of law being litigated is specialized due to the nature of the parties involved and the laws in the locality in which the dispute was alleged to have ...
2. When using Alipay or WeChat for QR code payments through the bound international bank card, users are not required to pay an additional servicefee if the transaction amount does not exceed RMB200; or, users need to pay a service...
2015 General Schedule (GS) Locality Pay Tables https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2015/general-schedule/ Background Investigation Types of Investigations SF-86 Questionnaire Cost of Investigations Security Forms Reciprocity of Clearances SCI and SAPs Polygraphs Order ...
REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENTDelivered at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2021Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council各位代表:Fellow Deput...
New Pay Requirement –Special provision applicable to foreign and non-foreign OCONUS locations. This provision provides authority for Defense Intelligence components currently paying special rates or allowances equivalent to the Washington-Baltimore- Northern Virginia, DC-MD-PA-VA-WV(WDC) locality ra...
local Ex.3 on Page 28 12 New words Part of speech Words in reading passage Part of speech majority noun major adjective act verb action noun curiosity noun curious adjective introduction noun introduce verb representative noun represent verb locality noun local adjective avoidance noun avoid verb Ex...
weight.size(0) + padding_idx else: padding_idx = -1 if max_norm is not None: # Note [embedding_renorm contiguous] # `embedding_renorm_` will call .contiguous() on input anyways, so we # call it here and take advantage of the improved locality in the # `embedding` call belo...
可持续发展:sustainable development 扩大内需: to expand domestic development 网民:netizen 电脑犯罪: computer crime 网上购物: shopping online 应试教育:exam- oriented education 政府要办的*件实事: * major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government’s working ...