Test your modelsTests provide a way to improve the integrity of the SQL in each model by making assertions about the results generated by a model. Build, test, and run your project with a button click or by using thedbt Cloud IDEcommand bar. Read more about writing tests for your models...
配置项目:配置 dbt 项目文件(yml),包括数据库连接、模型配置、测试等。 运行dbt 命令:使用命令行工具运行 dbt 命令,如dbt run(执行模型)、dbt test(运行测试)、dbt snapshot(创建快照)等。 生成文档:使用dbt docs generate 生成文档,并通过 dbt docs serve 查看项目文档。 持续集成:将 dbt 集成到持续集成/持续...
Currently, I have created amulti_asset_checkthat reads the manifest and creates my source tests asAssetCheckSpecobjects. That works, and my sources now show checks in Dagster and can be run manually while returning the proper result. The only challenge is putting themulti_asset_checkinto a jo...
name:'dbt_models'version:'1.0.0'config-version:2profile:'bigquery_profile'model-paths:["models"]analysis-paths:["analyses"]test-paths:["tests"]seed-paths:["seeds"]macro-paths:["macros"]snapshot-paths:["snapshots"]docs-paths:["docs"]target-path:"target"# directory which will store compile...
分享 阅读709发布于2023-02-09 NebulaGraph 169声望686粉丝 NebulaGraph:一个开源的分布式图数据库。欢迎来 GitHub 交流:[链接] « 上一篇 从实测出发,掌握 NebulaGraph Exchange 性能最大化的秘密 下一篇 » 基于图的下一代入侵检测系统 引用和评论
$ dbt seed 05:58:27 Running with dbt=1.3.0 05:58:27 Found 2 models, 4 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 289 macros, 0 operations, 11 seed files, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics 05:58:28 05:58:28 Concurrency: 8 threads (target='dev') 05:58:28 05:58:28 1 of 11 START se...
test-paths:["tests"] seed-paths:["seeds"] macro-paths:["macros"] snapshot-paths:["snapshots"] docs-paths:["docs"] target-path:"target"# directory which will store compiled SQL files clean-targets:# directories to be removed by `dbt clean` ...
If you set the optional --store-failures flag or store_failures config, dbt will create a materialized view for each configured test that can keep track of failures over time. By default, test views are created in a schema suffixed with dbt_test__audit. To specify a custom suffix, use ...
Connection test: [OK connection ok] All checks passed! 加载CSV 加载CSV 数据,把 CSV 具体化为目标数据库中的表。注意:一般来说,dbt 项目不需要这个步骤,因为你的待处理项目的数据都在数据库中。 $ dbt seed 07:03:24 Running with dbt=1.0.1 ...
dbt - stage_external_sources -分区 DBT分解schema.yml文件 训练Python UMAP模型在multiprocessing.Process中挂起 运行dbt时出现"target is undefined“错误 在circleci上生成dbt文档失败 DBT向雪花列添加注释 如何为数据沿袭设置dbt UI? 挂起函数内部的挂起函数 ...