在Jinja 中,您可以使用该{% if [not] loop.last %}位,让程序知道每当您处理循环中的最后一次迭代(或除最后一次之外的所有迭代,因此在其中[not])时,您需要不同的行为。 例如,在您的示例中,您可以使用以下内容: {% macro concatenate_columns() %} {%forcolumnin[col_1, col_2, col_3] %}"{{column...
Macros (宏编程)是dbt的高级功能,可以更方便的拼接各种SQL组件,并可以组合成一些宏函数,从而组装成无比复杂的程序。 可以参考https://docs.getdbt.com/tutorial/using-jinja来了解dbt中Macros的使用场景。 比如,BI等数据分析中一个常用的场景是 pivot 操作。如果不使用宏,那么,SQL可能会写为: selectorder_id,sum...
# 定义namespace 实现跨block 功能的复用 {%-setns=namespace()-%} {#-- handle for-loop scoping with a namespace --#} {%-setns.column_added=false-%} {%-setintersection= []-%} {%-forcolinquery_columns-%} {%-ifcolinexisting_cols-%} {%-dointersection.append(adapter.quote(col))-%} ...
{%-ifleading_commas-%} {%-forcolumnincolumn_names%} {{", "ifnotloop.first}}{%ifnotcase_sensitive_cols%}{{column|lower }}{%eliftarget.type=="bigquery"%}{{column }}{%else%}{{"\""~column~"\"" }}{%endif%} {%-endfor%} {%-else-%} {%-forcolumnincolumn_names%} {%ifnotca...
{{", " if not loop.first}}{% if not case_sensitive_cols %}{{ column | lower }}{% elif target.type == "bigquery" %}{{ column }}{% else %}{{ "\"" ~ column ~ "\"" }}{% endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- else -%} ...
说明 namespace 实际属于jinja2 的特性,只是dbt 使用了此特性而已,所以看到部分dbt macro 使用此定义不应该陌生 参考资料 dbt/include/global_project/macros/materializations/snapshots/strategies.sql https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/templates/
How to declare the while loop and then to use that loop in different models, does it used in macro, kindly provide with an example jinja,snapshots,snowflake,dbt-cloud,macros 324March 13, 2025 Issue previewing and compiling queries using Power User for dbt and Cloud dbt ...
This macro is useful for transforming Jinja strings into "slugs", and can be useful when using a Jinja object as a column name, especially when that Jinja object is not hardcoded. For this example, let's pretend that we have payment methods in our payments table like ['venmo App', 'ca...
问dbt + jinja不能将列值转换为intEN我需要基于行列的dbt中的动态循环。版权声明:本文内容由互联网...
This is a question about dbt + jinja syntax in macro calls and defining this in aschema.yml/properties.ymlmodel file. I have a working macro definition and inline post-hook config in a model. It applies dbt tags to materialized models in the db (databricks in this case but not important...