jinja模板for loop 、、 我想在jinja模板中中断for循环/我想只运行一次,我该怎么做呢?{% for one in ones %}{% endfor %} 我从不同文件中的python代码中得到了‘one’,并在jinja模板中进行处理。我只想打印{{one.column1}}一次。column1是谷歌应用程序引擎数据存储实体中的字段之一。对于for循环</e...
Import name: jinja2.ext.loopcontrols This extension adds support for break and continue in loops. After enabling, Jinja provides those two keywords which work exactly like in Python.With Statement Import name: jinja2.ext.with_ Changelog Changed in version 2.9: This extension is now built-in and...
循环控制 如果应用启用来循环控制,则可以在循环中使用break和continue。到达break时,循环终止。到达continue时,当前处理会终止并 从下一次迭代继续。 这个循环每两项跳过一次: {%foruserinusers%}{%-ifloop.index is even%}{%continue%}{%endif%}...{%endfor%} 同样,这个循环 10 次迭代之后会终止处理: {%f...
Fixed loop length calculation for some iterators. Changed how Jinja enforces strings to be native strings in Python 2 to work when people break their default encoding. Added make_logging_undefined which returns an undefined object that logs failures into a logger. If unmarshalling of cached data ...
for (recursive) (if) / else / endfor w/ loop.* (including loop.cycle) and destructuring break, continue (aka loop controls extensions) set w/ namespaces & destructuring macro / endmacro filter / endfilter Extensible filters collection: count, dictsort, equalto, e / escape, items, join,...
The key to doing Paris well with kids (and by default other cities too) is to break things down into small pieces, small tastes and acknowledge that only what is directly interesting in that moment needs to be experienced. Find the sublime, because it is out there. Obviously museums are ...
py2-cx-oracle-pingbreak.patch py2-cx-oracle-toolfile.spec py2-cx-oracle.spec py2-docutils.spec py2-formencode.spec py2-gdata.spec py2-geoip.spec py2-httplib2.spec py2-ipython-toolfile.spec py2-ipython.spec py2-jinja.spec py2-lint-toolfile.spec py2-lint.spec py2-lxml.spec py...
endless tramping through museums coupled with bad cafe food. The key to doing Paris well with kids (and by default other cities too) is to break things down into small pieces, small tastes and acknowledge that only what is directly interesting in that moment needs to be experienced. Find the...