也许你会把你能找到的所有器材的说明书和帮助文档都看一遍,你也经常会看到诸如:dBSPL、dBu、dBV、dBm、dBVU、dBFS等等和分贝有关的名词。但遗憾的是,几乎没有这方面的详细说明,搞得你经常一头雾水:它们是谁?它们究竟是什么关系?不要责怪那些厂 下载文档...
Many people place their monitors on a desktop, but they're not usually designed to be used in this way — until now... When it comes to studio monitoring, Dynaudio are always right up there with the big names, their range covering everything from project studios to full-blown pro studios...
The product is offered in both a micro-ITLA format ((TL5300/TL5350) and a dual-ITLA format (TL5370). The dual-ITLA format contains two fully independent lasers through one electrical interface, offering a significant footprint reduction. Features Full C-band tunable source High output power +...
功率单位 与P(瓦特)换算公式: (10*P)dBm=(10*P)dB-30dB (P:瓦 ) 首先, DB 是一个纯计数单位:对于功率,dB = 10*lg(A/B)。对于电压或电流,dB = 20*lg(A/B).dB的意义其实再简单不过了,就是把一个很大(后面跟一长串0的)或者很小(前面有一长串0的)的数比较简短地表示出来。如: X=10000000000...
The further diode, the first capacitor, and the high frequency voltage source form a first mesh or loop of the circuit, while the further diode, the first diode, and a smoothing capacitor form a second mesh or loop of the circuit (in the manner of a so-called Villard circuit). Such a...